They do seem a bit spammy. I might just disable bot posts then.
joined 1 day ago
Is there a way to hide bot posts from showing up at the top of my feed without hiding them entirely?
I want a machine that works me out while I sleep. I'm talking full body ripped (to my desired levels) all while I get my sleep for the night.
Just electrically stimulate my muscles constantly while keeping me in a deep sleep for 8 hours straight please.
I wanna wake up every morning feeling like I just left the gym after a solid full body work out.
I miss when I would wake up and check the news and nothing particularly crazy was going on. Like you would click on the TV and they are talking about a zoo that recently got a baby giraffe or something.
As an F1 fan I'm sure I'll have issues with the technical details but I look forward to at least being moderately entertained. We shall see.
Technically correct while pissing a bunch of people off is exactly what he wants. He can (correctly) say that he was only speaking facts but it also "triggers the libs".
So once again he's dangling bait and everyone is taking it hook, line and sinker thus giving him exactly what he wants.
I swear if everyone just stopped paying attention to him he would shrivel up and die. These egotistical maniacs feed off of any attention and the people who hate him the most give him the most attention.