
joined 5 months ago
[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)
firefox = {
      profiles."user" = {
        bookmarks = [
            name = "Toolbar folder";
            toolbar = true;
            bookmarks = [
               name = "nix folder";
               toolbar = false;
               bookmarks = [
                    name = "NixOS Search";
                    url = "";

On phone so testing or reading source is a bit tough, but maybe nesting folders like the above work?

[–] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

Make this the toolbar directory. Note, this does not mean that this directory will be added to the toolbar, this directory is the toolbar.

If you open the bookmarks utility in firefox, does it show as a folder as expected? I think maybe toolbar should be false if you expect to see your folder on the toolbar

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

I (not who you are asking) responded to your original comment about, but feot kinda fitting here too,

in the case if it does so much more than the manpages that I would definitely say that manpages should keep doing it's thing, because these tools strive to do more, which both makes them valuable and makes the manpages the right tool for it's thing.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I think has the upper hand over tldr, it retrieves the DBs from tldr and others, gives far better results imo. rsync is a decent exampøe where does better than tldr imo:

as for vs manpages: each has their uses. As someone who uses rsync once every .. two months, maybe, gives me the info i need much quicker. ie: -avz, but maybe -c if you want to verify file integrity, that's 8 lines/2 examples in, but reading the manpage of rsync then checksumming is almost something you need to know to look for, which is fine for what the manpages are intended for. these cheatsheets gives you common use cases, and are more of a quick reference.

also gives a lot more functionality than man, I can recommended skimming over the github page