tails: A Place on Lemmy for Mastodon Posts

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A virtual Lemmy community

Posts from Mastodon users, featured natively in Lemmy, so you can view them without the need for them to be re-hosted or screenshoted, and reply to the original author and Mastodon respondents if you wish.

Has so far included content from Warsandpeas, Mr. Lovenstein, SMBC, Loading Artist, Low Quality Facts, George Takei, and other interesting or provocative stuff I've random'd across on Mastodon.

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Posts & Downvotes

founded 1 year ago
Closer (files.mastodon.social)

What is wrestling but a series of dangerous hugs.

(Originally published earlier today on mastodon.social)

Tony Hawk: I'd like to turn myself in for murder.
Cop: Are you Tony Hawk?
Tony Hawk: Yes.
Cop: If you're Tony Hawk where's your skateboard?
Tony Hawk, holding up a blood-soaked skateboard: It dug right into his skull. I am a monster
Cop: You look a little old to be Tony Hawk

(Originally published on mstdn.social: 2024-01-23)


Me: How long can sharks live

Google: I need to customize this result to your current location

Me: That's clearly wrong and if it's right then it's terrifying

Image transcription: Google search: Shark life expectancy Google: See results closer to you? Use precise location

(Originally published earlier today on mastodon.social)


(Originally published on mstdn.social: 2024-02-16)


These rows are perfectly horizontal and are not moving. A mind-bending anomalous motion variation of the Café wall illusion by Akiyoshi Kitaoka.

Source: http://www.psy.ritsumei.ac.jp/akitaoka/motion30e.html

Image transcription: Rows of black and white zigzag patterns forming 2x2 checkerboards on a grey background create an optical illusion of warping and motion.

(Originally published on mastodon.social: 2024-02-16)


Image transcription: “Auto Dos” button on dishwasher

(Originally published earlier today on mastodon.social)


Image transcription: tweet: Nobody: What’s your favorite paradox? Me: If you ask Rick Astley for his copy of the movie UP, he cannot give it to you as he will never give you up. However, in doing so, he lets you down. Thus creating the Astley Paradox.

(Originally published on mstdn.social: 2024-02-14)

Pool Party (files.mastodon.social)

Image transcription: 4 panel comic: 1. Pennywise the clown speaks to a kid from the sewers: "Join us, Jimmy. We all float down here." 2. Jimmy screams and runs away. 3. Pennywise turns around and speaks to a group of clowns in the sewers. They are having a merry pool party and drinking umbrella drinks. Pennywise says: "He ran away!" 4. One of the clowns says, "Maybe he doesn't like pool parties." Another one says,"Try balloons next time."

(Originally published earlier today on mastodon.social)


(Originally published earlier today on mastodon.social)


Image transcription: TNG scene. We're in the turbo lift! Picard is standing in the middle, looking stumped. Riker and Geordi are forming a Picard sandwich on either side of him facing inward. Bit of a sausage party if you ask me. Closed caption reads, "Beverly thinks it's going to be tight."

(Originally published earlier today on mastodon.social)

This. Is. Ridiculous. (s3.eu-central-2.wasabisys.com)
submitted 1 year ago by bkm@mastodon.world to c/tails@lemmon.website

Image transcription: Avocado half with pit inside. Pit takes up nearly ¾ of the inside

(Originally published on mastodon.world: 2024-02-14)


I'm in the business of making friends and business is good.

(Originally published earlier today on mastodon.social)

Killing him softly (s3.eu-central-2.wasabisys.com)

Image transcription: 6 panel Loading Artist comic. 1: Old man slowly wakes up in bed, silhouette of a scythe appears over him "IT IS TIME.". 2: The grim reaper is about to slice the man with the scythe, the man panics! 3: The man braces for impact, closing his eyes and clutching his bed sheets. 4: Nothing happened, the man cautiously opens one eye to see what's going on. 5: The grim reaper is looking at his flaccid scythe drooped onto the ground with a "FLOOP" sound effect. 6: Grim reaper sits on edge of the bed with his flaccid scythe "I've just been so stressed lately and-", old man sits up and pats Death on the back "Hey hey shhh it happens" with a comforting smile.

(Originally published earlier today on mastodon.world)

Bless you! (files.mastodon.social)

Bless you!

(Originally published earlier today on mastodon)


Secret Panel HERE 😑 https://tapas.io/episode/2444512


(Originally published a few hours ago on mastodon)


The iPod server was a powerful first iteration music sharing device. While not designed for convenience, its internal RAID can still be expanded with modern compact flash cards for 1.25TB of on-the-go storage.

Image transcription: A photo of an early iPod with colour display running macosx server 1.2. It looks cumbersomely thick, but also desirable.

(Originally published earlier today on bitbang.social)


This community is experimental. It follows people on Mastodon (for now, lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social and MrLovenstein@mastodon.social) and publishes their posts here, keeping them as the author.

This has several advantages over someone else screenshotting their posts and sharing them lemmy, including efficiency, accessibility, searchability and credit, as well as the fact that if you - as a lemmy user - comment on a post, it will go to the original author.

Note 1: As the sidebar mentions, posts and downvotes aren't supported. In practise it means they'll be removed / reverted.

Note 2: It's also possible to follow people on lemmy, of course, but I sense that duplicating their posts here might get annoying

Your thoughts are welcome in the comments!