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Communick is a professional, privacy-focused service provider who supports open source and the indieweb. We support back the fediverse and the developers by pledging 20% of our yearly profits to the main development teams.

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founded 2 years ago
submitted 1 week ago by rglullis to c/emacs

cross-posted from:

I've been using gptel for a couple of days and it is absolutely bonkers. It is Magit-level of thought out. However I enjoyed relying less on the transient menu, and rather focus on writing my own wrapper functions via gptel-request.

Honestly I've been kind of an AI skeptic until very recently, and gptel in addition to this article were what pushed me over.


The F24 ferry in Berlin shows that informal, community-driven transport deserves recognition—whether it’s a small ferry in Europe or a minibus in Lagos.


We were invited to join this community – and finally use our one-year-old Lemmy account. Trufi Association is an international NGO that creates open source apps making sustainable mobility convenient for users, and open data for transport innovation, research, and better cities.

Find us on the Fediverse at

interview to Jan Gehl (
submitted 4 weeks ago by rglullis to c/humanscale

“Let us not forget that Homo sapiens is an animal that walks: it is a practice that is good for the climate and for the health of the body and the mind. If we encourage it, there are concrete benefits.” interview to Jan Gehl

Ohio only spends $4/capita on transit (
submitted 1 month ago by rglullis to c/humanscale

I am using counsel with projectile mainly for two use cases:

  • counsel-projectile-ag for project-wide grep
  • counsel-projectile-find-file to get a list of file names by typing some characters.

I usually have them bound to C-C C-sand C-C C-f, which used to work well with any other major modes.

Recently, I switched to using tree-sitter and set it up to use python-ts-mode. I also started using lsp-mode. Since then, whenever I open any python file, C-c C-s and C-c C-f are bound to the functions from python-mode. I've tried adding

(unbind-key "C-c C-s" python-ts-mode-map)
(unbind-key "C-c C-f" python-ts-mode-map)

to python-ts :config on use-package, and similar to python-mode, but I am still getting

python-ts-mode-map), which is an interactive native-compiled Lisp
function in ‘python.el’.

It is bound to C-c C-s.

(python-shell-send-string STRING &optional PROCESS MSG)

Send STRING to inferior Python PROCESS.
When optional argument MSG is non-nil, forces display of a
user-friendly message if there’s no process running; defaults to
t when called interactively.


What would be the correct way to set the configuration to get this always bound to the counsel-projectile commands whenever I open a python file?

Caveat: I am using NixOS home-manager to manage my emacs installation, which means that I am not manipulating my .emacs directly.

The relevant sections of my nix file.

usePackage = {
python-ts-mode = {
        enable = true;
        mode = [ ''("\\.py\\'" . python-ts-mode)'' ];
        hook = [
          "(python-ts-mode . python-isort-on-save-mode)"
        bind = {
          "C-c C-s" = "counsel-projectile-ag";
          "C-c C-f" = "counsel-projectile-find-file";
        config = ''
        (unbind-key "C-c C-s" python-ts-mode-map)
        (unbind-key "C-c C-f" python-ts-mode-map)

python-mode = {
        enable = true;
        bind = {
          "C-c C-s" = "counsel-projectile-ag";
          "C-c C-f" = "counsel-projectile-find-file";
        config = ''
            (unbind-key "C-c C-s" python-mode-map)
            (unbind-key "C-c C-f" python-mode-map)
lsp-mode = {
        enable = true;
        command = [ "lsp" ];
        hook = [
          "((python-ts-mode java-mode vue-mode javascript-ts-mode typescript-ts-mode) . lsp-deferred)"
        bind = {
          "C-c r r" = "lsp-rename";
          "C-c r f" = "lsp-format-buffer";
          "C-c r g" = "lsp-format-region";
          "C-c r a" = "lsp-execute-code-action";
          "C-c f r" = "lsp-find-references";
          "C-c C-s" = "counsel-projectile-ag";
          "C-c C-f" = "counsel-projectile-find-file";
counsel = {
        enable = true;
        bind = {
          "C-x C-d" = "counsel-dired-jump";
          "C-x C-r" = "counsel-recentf";
          "C-x C-y" = "counsel-yank-pop";
        diminish = [ "counsel-mode" ];

      counsel-projectile = {
        enable = true;
        bind = {
          "C-c C-s" = "counsel-projectile-ag";
          "C-c C-f" = "counsel-projectile-find-file";

Any help appreciated.

Scale Ruins Everything (
submitted 1 month ago by rglullis to c/humanscale
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