I'd venture out there and say Vivaldi in functionality and customisation.
Privacy probably not, though Vivaldi does quite well.
Sadly it's a Chromium browser.
Edit: a simple comparison.
I'd venture out there and say Vivaldi in functionality and customisation.
Privacy probably not, though Vivaldi does quite well.
Sadly it's a Chromium browser.
Edit: a simple comparison.
Chromium - and thus Google - dominates the Internet way too much. This causes trouble and has the potential to cause a lot more trouble in the future.
This has been discussed many times before, of course.
You don't watch other shows. You start over with Star Trek.
Discovery had it's moments.
From a Star Trek universe perspective it hit way too many lows, though. This is just my opinion, of course. I found it hard to sit through some episodes. The actors are generally great, but there is too much cheap dialogue (listen to some of the Season 2 and 3 "Picard" dialogue in comparison!), underdeveloped characters, statements like the above that were written without even considering how they might age... well, this was discussed ad nauseam in many places, so I'll stop the rant before it starts.
Thank you Discovery for showing us what doesn't work. Other shows learned from you.
I mean, if you want to relive the glory days, here you go.
Reply here with a screenshot or PM me when you're done, please. 😁
In all fairness, nothing beat Windows 8 on tablets. The touch controls were fantastic. Was disappointed when 10 got rid of them.
highly anticipated Windows 12
Microsoft wants to make the taskbar appear to float above the desktop by separating it from the desktop and rounding off the corners
Who gets excited about that!?
Plus, all the (always online, storing everything we say, type and look at) AI features should be looked at critically and not with high anticipation.
Solus didn't die. Source: Solus Blog
Thank you for your suggestion of Tumbleweed (I assume you are writing about). Checking that out as well.
Can you expand on this? A source would be great here to properly debunk this.
It's actually quite liberating to switch it off every now and then and just go about ones business without it.
I'll do you a few better. Others have done it before. Here are some examples of excellent posts on the subject. Search Lemmy a bit and you'll find many more.
A website that lists quite a number of Android FOSS apps:
And here is an entire community dedicated to that topic:
It's not like Firefox doesn't collect user data at all. Vivaldi is hard to seriously fault in that area.
Unfortunately, Firefox lacks some features that make it a little clumsy at times. But for general use it is great. I keep it installed and use it almost every day because I believe in the browser engine and the need for diversity in that area. It's just not for every need. At least not for me. That's where Vivaldi and Edge have to help.