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  3. Yes, we already know: Google results for "emacs" and "vi" link to each other. We good.

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idk what these icons symbolise i don't want any lavish gif as icons but these icons just don't make sense to me is there any font pack i have to modify or do i have to modify any icons file contents

i want to patch this issue i'm just annoyed with this issue at this point i have been using this since last two years i didn't care much to resolve this but now it's just annoying


Eglot is a lot more bare-bones than lsp-mode – leaving 'UI chrome' to external packages that can work generically with emacs' existing ecosystem (flymake/eldoc/etc.) – and this generally works for me. Making similar migrations in my config has worked out very well – notably to use vertico family of packages for completions.

Are there packages you like that provide additional chrome on what eglot makes available? I'm particularly interested in project diagnostics from flymake, but I'm curious to see what else folks have come across.


Hey, I'm looking for a package to manage bookmarks for inside Emacs.

I've tried the built-in functionality but the configuration contains a lot of junk which makes it hard to manage and share between machines.


Hello everyone!

I present to you kickstart.emacs.

A starting point for Gnu Emacs with good defaults, vim keybindings and packages that most people may want to use without needing to watch hours of tutorial videos to get started.

One of the project goals is to become something like kickstart.nvim.
Or, to be a reference if someone doesn't know how to do something.

I would appreciate any feedback.
Thanks for reading!



anyone would know how to make consult-line works like isearch and be able to do C-w to gradually add the current word at point to the selection, i just got too much used to this


I have this type of code in my init.el each loads the features in a directly and it turns out that because the file names contained the - character they were not being loaded, as the regex checks for only alphanumeric filenames which are not hidden.

(let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "wsi/lisp" user-emacs-directory)))
  (normal-top-level-add-to-load-path (directory-files default-directory nil "[^\\.][a-z0-9]*")))

By the way I copied this from someone's init.el and I've suffered from it for ages, an object lesson on how one should not copy init.el files and other Emacs lisp code without fully understanding the code in them.

I'm not sure but it looks like the regex will not even match file names with capitals in them.

I guess the question I want to ask is how to add arbitrary non-alphabetical characters to a regex matching alphanumeric characters, with the proviso that they are acceptable in file names..


i don't think i'll need elisp as i'm using emacs distribution

i want to learn basics elisp so that i can understand how to map keys how to send commands etc.

constructs that all beginners require

please don't send a 300 page pdf for elisp as i don't want to learn everything i just want a basic max 10 page rulebook for elisp

my teacher told me to use emacs and i love the experience so far thanks to the support from this community

i have not yet learned how to execute command like


i don't know how to

run tab-width command with and set it to 4 after using M-x to open dialogue box to run command

(i think it's called buffer not dialogue box)

so this is the level i'm at not much i know but i hope that emacs gods help me in finding true peace


Hey all,

I've been acquainting myself with Emacs (vanilla) and am currently reading through the tutorial. I'm at the part about creating new frames and, as you can see on the image, the new frame shows up small and squished. This also happens sometimes when opening Emacs regularly. I doubt that is intended. I have not found any topics related to this behaviour (maybe my google-fu is just bad). Anyone encounter this before and have a potential fix? I don't have an init file yet and I'm on Fedora if that helps.


I have been using Magit and Forge for several years, mainly with projects on self-hosted Gitlab instances. The experience has been great!

One of the nice things that Forge did for me was showing the numbers of merge requests (in !123 form) in my magit-log views. Some time ago, however, this stopped working. Actually, this stopped working quite some time ago, maybe a year or more. I was too lazy to report it and too busy to investigate. IIRC it didn't stop working right away for all repos, so I guess it is not related to e.g. upgrading to Emacs 28 (and it was definitely before I upgraded to Emacs 29.1).

To investigate this in more detail, I created new clones of several projects, but that didn't change anything. I also tried a simplified Emacs config in a new home directory to make sure that Forge's database was created from scratch. Same problem persists.

On Forge's Github pages, I found some references to interactions of Forge with bug-reference-mode, so maybe it somehow has to do with that? On the other hand, given that I used a fresh Emacs config + new clones, I guess this isn't the cause of the issue either.

Does anyone know how to get the MR numbers back in Magit's log view?


Here's something I can't figure out: When using dired to manage files, let's say I have a top level directory with a ton of subdirectories, each with a GoPro video inside (unique name/time/date for each file name). How do I move them all at once to that top level directory for easier management/renaming? I don't want to have to go into each directory and move them one at a time with R. Let's say all of the files are MP4 or HEVC.


I am a Neovim user, and I am trying out Emacs.

I recently started with doom emacs, it feels pretty good. However, one issue I am facing is that pyright works very slow. I know that it is an issue with pyright, which I faced with Neovim also.

However, I made it faster for my use-case by changing some settings. Neovim allows to have these settings in the setup function for LSP. I was trying to figure out how do I change these settings with doom emacs. Pyright docs suggest to have these settings in pyrightconfig.json.

I think this is more of a pyright issue, but feel like somebody might have already solved it.


Running Doom Emacs.

Plantuml works as expected when generating images, for instance:

:file *.png

The problem is, there is no ASCII generated in results: verbatim mode:

:results verbatim

What could go wrong?

The same problem observed here: https://discourse.doomemacs.org/t/problem-with-plantuml-src-block-results/3603

According to this article:


there seems to be no reason why this should not work.


Switch buffer in Doom and swiper-all display the selected files as you scroll through the matching files until you select or cancel one.

I use ivy-switch-buffer and its helm counterpart in my vanilla emacs configuration.

Is there some way to get these functions to the same as Doom or swiper-all?


Just started using hyperbole and it works great for following links to files, though when I try to follow a url I get an “Invalid regexp” error. Has anyone else experienced this/found a way around it?


Hello there .
I am using as my OS devuan gnu+linux .
The point is I like philosophy of Unix using like tmux + nvim + mutt .
and I love the vi keybings so much ..

Sometimes I am thinking to switch to gnu emacs .. but I feel that I will find some difficulties
and I am afraid .

Is there a easy way to use emacs ?
can someone help or give me some YT videos to watch to have a good idea about emacs ?


Bear with me here—I'm an avid Emacs user. I love it so much that I want to stay in Emacs wherever possible! I need to collaborate on some notes with a Vim user. It'd be nice if there were some tools in Vim that they could use to navigate Denote-formatted Markdown files as easily as I can. Does anyone know of a Vim plugin that works with Denote?


Hi Everyone.

I'm using emacs and ripgrep to find what I'm looking for in a folder. Ripgrep shows the result of what I'm looking beautifully. Thats great. Every time I open a result, ripgrep buffer disappears.

Does anyone know how to open a temp buffer to view result then I can close it and go back to rg result again, so I don't have to type my search query.



I want to be able to use outline-minor-mode to fold my use-package blocks at convenient points. Ideally, I want to be able to fold sections following :config, :init, :custom, etc. as well as definitions inside those blocks. The current value of outline-regexp when in emacs-lisp-mode is:

";;;;* [^ 	\n]\\|(\\|\\(^;;;###\\(\\([-[:alnum:]]+?\\)-\\)?\\(autoload\\)\\)"

I thought appending \\|[[:space:]]*:\\(init|config|custom\\) to this would work, but it doesn't. Any help would be much appreciated.

(I see there's a related post here, but I didn't find anything there that helped me.)


I have been trying to use emacs as a multiplexer with eshell as my go-to shell. Zoxide integration, could be helpful .


Is it possible to never list org agenda files from being shown in buffer lists? I have a few buffer open and I open agenda to check something. Now when (while still being in agenda) I do switch buffer among the options I see are the org agenda files. I don’t want that.

If I ever want to see them I will open them explicitly (not want to see them when they were opened automatically by agenda)

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