YouTube is going to kill your grandma on Christmas Eve unless you disable as blockers AND send all the money you have to them in an unmarked envelope. No cops...
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YouTube is going to kill your grandma on Christmas Eve unless you disable as blockers AND send all the money you have to them in an unmarked envelope. No cops...
Greedy companies like youtube thinking tracking people is fine don't need my money. I won't end using adblockers.
I heard about their plans maybe a month ago and i deleted all my stuff there and left youtube forever. I also already had deleted my gmail before that. I now use freetube on my pc and libretube on my phone.
It's tiring to have to take measures to make sure you can use the internet as it used to be, though. I feel like i have a digital armor with ghostery, encrypted email, foss software, etc, etc...
Youtube can go fuck itself. I was one of the few people who was committed to not using an adblocker - corporate assholes or not, I recognized that advertising was why Youtube exists for free.
3 unskippable ads on every fucking video broke me. Youtube can burn, I'm just burning bandwidth until it does.
You're really sticking it to them. Keep up the good work solider.
I read that 2% uses adblocks...
Don't worry, I did something about youtube. That being uninstalled and only go there if I absolutely have to.
Ok. So why aren't we all using peertube?
If more content creators moved to it, more viewers would switch to it to follow the content. The fact it's barely got anything on it is why most people, who only view the videos and not make them or post them, do not use it. Which the creators will turn around and say is the reason they don't use it as well; the viewers aren't there. Stupid perpetuating cycles of fuckery. 😩
In highschool, my friend group of maybe a dozen had an sms group chat. I spent months suggesting that we switch to signal, but to no avail. Eventually, I convinced one person to join, which made it a bit more convincing for another, and then a few more, and so on. Signal is now the primary means of communication for this friend group, showing that change is indeed possible. Keep fighting the good fight until the rise of these alternative platforms becomes inevitable.
Between uYouPlus on my Apple devices and SmartTubeNext on my Android devices, I’ve almost never seen an ad on YouTube. I’d just stop using the service if I started to see them in any real number.
I'd be down to pay YouTube to watch 2k - 4k videos, I'm shocked they allow people to upload videos on that resolution to begin with.
Now, if they start intentionally blocking adblockers, or have a way to force around them (like Twitch) I'd immediately stop using it (like Twitch)
laughs in DNS ad blocker
chortles in SponsorBlock
guffaws in AdNauseam
I do find it a bit funny that their adblock-block is to my knowledge just client side JavaScript. Ya' know, the kinda stuff adblock is built to cutout.
Unless they're going to be splicing up videos to put the ads into the same file (which would be astronomically resource intensive) or only allow YouTube in app and in seriously locked down Web-Environtment-Integrity browsers it'll be impossible prevent a device from running or not running code as the user see's fit.