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miami still owns boston ⁉️
Herro revenge season
MVP Herro!!!
Own those frauds, Herro
you’re tryna tell me he’s only worth one late first🤨
Here we go with the Doris comments; can y'all just give it a rest already?
herro's playing the passing lanes so much better this year
Herro is HOOPIN
Most overrated team in the league, nowhere near as good as Bucks, Nuggets, Lakers, etc. Keeping Mazzulla and Brown really showed these guys aren’t serious about winning.
They forget Herro wasn’t there when the Heat smoked them 😂😂😂
Celtics gave up all their defense for an old ass Jrue and a turnstile in Kristaps. I love it
God bless whoever traded away Rob Williams.
Dude gave me PTSD on every Heat drive. Not anymore lol
Tyler Herro is cooking tf outta them 😂
Really liking this new look Celtics team
Miami and Butler saw Jrue Holiday on the Celtics and knew they could get in on this 2 for 1 special
Celtics lost to us without Herro playing a minute in the series 🤣
Celtics' gameplan of 'bricks n vibes' does not seem to be working. Again
When Bahstan fans realize Bam owns Thingus Peenus
How is this team favorite to win the championship? Are people this delusional?
Brown just went left 😳
These commentators are unbearable to listen to.
Mmmm i did no mistake betting on Butler.
Hope everyone gets in their live Celtics bets before they take the lead
Yeah, Lowry and Dru should not be thing one matchups like these
Brisket launcher
Bro the celtics match up worse with the heat now lol.
should’ve kept robert williams
Celtics just look like they’re winging it
Name: Jason Tatum, last seen last game before this one.
See i like Jrue Holiday but also Marcus Smart wasn’t the DPOY for nothing…
So far this herro performance is a fuck you to anybody that thought he couldn’t have helped in the playoffs
The Celtics are playing like they wanna blow up some parlays today
Bam and the moving fucking screens omg
Who’s that dude with alopecia?
I just tuned in, what the fuck am I listening to? It sounds like Doris Burke talking to a clone of herself.
This feels like a social experiment to see what effect national torture would have on people.
Might sound sexist but these announcers do not sound aesthetically pleasing and are borderline grating on the ears
This is why 15-20 pt leads are nothing in today's league lol.
Teams can go on 10-0 run in 1 minutes
Shot clock expired
So Dru Smith is gonna be the next random Heat culture guy that is decent.
Brown that was a great drive
But you can't suck ass, have one good drive, and then flex on em lol
What aural terrorist decided to put Doris Burke and Beth Mowins on the call 💀
No way Payton gunna be able to guard Himmy