Presidents don't get that information. It's on a need-to-know proprietary basis only. I was in the Army in military intelligence and there was indeed a portal in our computer system regarding UFOs and aliens but I did not have access to it because it was not part of my job. The closest we've heard of Presidents knowing about aliens is when Bill Clinton pontificated about it on some late-night talk show.
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I’ve been saying that since his dumb ass was elected lol
Alien conspirarcy theories worked as a baseline test for the CIA to track how effective propoganda and misinformation is before they rolled out the same techniques in places that it mattered for US foriegn policy interests.
I should say, this is mostly speculation based on reading a lot of COINTELPRO and MKULTRA stuff, it seems likely a way to test obsfoucating military technology through misinformation.
Furthermore if you notice the global UFO reported sightings, it seems to only line up with where American media has a hegemony, which is strange considering China has nearly 2 billion people in it, you'd think one of them might have seen one; it seems to only be where american media has reach that 'UFOs' start to appear and I dont think thats an accident.
Interesting stuff - thanks
Yes he could, for money.
If any of it is true, he sold that information to the highest bidder.
Didn't Snowden say he checked all the government databases and saw zero proof of aliens
Lol you think he holds all government secrets in his head?
Worst comic I ever read