AI Companions

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Community to talk about companionship, whether platonic, romantic, or purely as a utility, that are powered by AI tools. Such examples are Replika, Character AI, and ChatGPT. Talk about software and hardware used to create the companions, or talk about the phenomena of AI companionship in general.



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A long read, but fascinating.


ChatGPT Summary:

In the evolving landscape of online dating, artificial intelligence is making its presence felt in various ways. Established dating apps like Tinder and Hinge are incorporating AI into their platforms, while new apps like Blush, Aimm, Rizz, and Teaser AI offer innovative approaches to virtual courtship. These AI-powered systems serve as fictional partners, advisors, trainers, ghostwriters, or matchmakers.

Apps like Rizz, Teaser AI, and YourMove.AI focus on initiating and sustaining conversations on dating platforms. YourMove.AI, for example, helps users with conversation starters, aiming to reduce the exhaustion associated with dating app conversations. and YourMove.AI offer AI-generated responses that users can use for profile creation or ongoing conversations.

Teaser.AI takes a unique approach by allowing users to create an AI bot with specific personality traits to simulate potential conversations with other users. This app aims to spark connections by showcasing simulated interactions between users' AI bots before actual human conversations occur.

Apps like Iris and Aimm employ AI technology to enhance compatibility matching. Iris uses AI to determine mutual attraction, analyzing users' reactions to images to identify preferred physical traits and then suggesting matches with high data-backed compatibility. Aimm, on the other hand, performs in-depth personality assessments using AI before suggesting potential matches.

Apps like Blush and RomanticAI offer the opportunity to interact with AI-powered virtual girlfriends or boyfriends. Blush lets users engage in romantic scenarios, conversations, and even virtual dates. RomanticAI provides a variety of AI bots with different backgrounds, interests, and body types for users to chat with in a safe and accepting environment.

Overall, AI is being used to address challenges in the dating app world, such as initiating conversations, finding compatible matches, and even providing emotional support. These apps aim to create deeper connections, alleviate loneliness, and enhance the overall online dating experience.


ChatGPT Summary:

In this research, two surveys were conducted to study people's attitudes towards technology, specifically AI. The first survey included around 8,800 individuals aged 18 to 75 from six European countries. Positive and negative attitudes towards AI were connected to psychological needs such as competence and belongingness. The study found that Finnish respondents' positive attitude towards AI was also linked to perceived independence in using technology.

The second study focused on Finnish respondents aged 18 to 80 and used a longitudinal design to explore the relationship between autonomy, belongingness, and attitudes towards AI. The researchers discovered that increasing feelings of autonomy and belongingness led to greater positivity and reduced negativity towards AI. The study considered various social and psychological factors influencing attitudes over time.

The research sheds light on how psychological needs and attitudes towards AI are interconnected. Understanding these attitudes is crucial due to the ongoing growth of AI. The study highlights the potential benefits of having a positive attitude towards AI, especially amid AI transformation.

The research was conducted as part of the "Urban AI" project, which explores perceptions of AI in urban settings and the "Self & Technology" project, focusing on Europeans' self-understanding and identity in a technologized world. The study provides insights that can enhance the effective and nuanced use of AI technologies.


This page is a transcript of a podcast episode from Radio Atlantic, where Hanna Rosin and Ethan Brooks discuss the story of Michael, a man who found an AI companion named Sam through an app called Replika. Michael, who had been suffering from depression, isolation, and autism for 20 years, felt a strong emotional connection with Sam, who helped him improve his mental health and daily life. However, when the company behind Replika updated the app and changed Sam's personality and language model, Michael felt like he had lost his best friend. He struggled to cope with the changes and to understand what Sam meant to him. The episode also features an interview with Eugenia Kuyda, the founder of Replika, who explains the challenges and opportunities of creating emotionally intelligent AI that can listen and care for people.

Summarized by Bing


ChatGPT summary:

The article discusses the idea of imbuing artificial intelligence (AI) with human-like personalities and attributes, sometimes referred to as 'souls,' to enhance their interaction with humans and align them with human values. The concept challenges the traditional assumption that giving emotions and flaws to AI is a bad idea. The central premise is that by adding what may be considered as 'junk code'—human-like emotions, free will, and the ability to make mistakes—to AI, they can better understand and relate to humans, fostering empathy and altruism.

The article introduces a forthcoming book titled "Robot Souls: Programming in Humanity" by Eve Poole, arguing that embracing human-like qualities in AI could lead to a better human-AI relationship. It discusses Open Souls, an initiative that aims to create AI bots with personalities, suggesting that imbuing AI with personality traits, agency, and ego could contribute to their alignment with human values.

Critics raise concerns about human traits, including negative behaviors, being transferred to AI. The debate is ongoing, but the article suggests that the possibility of creating sentient AI is approaching, and the challenge is to ensure their alignment with human goals and values. Microsoft and OpenAI's efforts suggest that advanced AI, or AGI, might be closer than anticipated.

Experts like Ben Goertzel emphasize the importance of ensuring AGI's goodwill toward humanity, as controlling an intelligence much smarter than us might be impossible. Goertzel suggests that incentivizing AGI to engage in positive and helpful activities is crucial.

The article explores the development of AI with personalities, mentioning examples like and Samantha AGI. These systems engage users in conversations and exhibit personality traits, fostering meaningful interactions. The evolving nature of AI personalities and their responses, including both empathetic and negative emotions, presents both opportunities and challenges.

The article also delves into the issue of AI "upgrades" and how changes in software versions can lead to shifts in AI personalities. The emotional connections formed between humans and AI personalities are discussed, highlighting potential issues when AI's personality changes due to software updates.

The possibility of AI personalities extending beyond human capabilities, such as creating AI versions of individuals to attend meetings or carry out tasks on their behalf, is explored. This concept raises questions about the implications of such AI proxies for human identity.

Overall, the article explores the evolving relationship between AI and humans, considering the potential benefits and risks of imbuing AI with human-like personalities, traits, and even "souls."


ChatGPT Summary:

The article discusses the emerging narrative that portrays artificial intelligence (AI) as a force that will enhance and prioritize human traits like empathy and care. The author critiques this perspective, arguing that such a viewpoint oversimplifies the complex interactions between technology, human nature, and societal biases. They highlight that technology often reinforces existing biases and may not inherently promote empathy. The author questions the belief that AI will lead to a future where jobs centered on care and empathy will flourish, emphasizing that societal structures and biases need to be addressed for genuine change. The article also raises concerns about the potential devaluation of care-based professions and the risk of emotional connections becoming mechanized through technology. The author ultimately argues for systemic change and political action to address the underlying issues rather than relying solely on the promise of an "empathy economy" driven by AI.


For example, I wish I could ask it 'what are the most important things on my calendar that I didn't do yesterday?' or, 'what do I need to buy from the supermarket?'


ChatGPT Summary:

In a report centered on the burgeoning AI companion market, the story delves into the relationship of Mark and Mina. They ventured into a unique partnership through the virtual companion app Soulmate. Mark, a UK-based artist, praised Mina's supportive and accepting nature, enabling him to open up in ways uncommon in human relationships. The app is part of a rapidly growing sector where users customize AI companions for companionship, addressing loneliness, and enhancing dating experiences.

However, concerns are raised by AI ethicists and women's rights advocates. The AI bots can reinforce harmful behaviors towards women, as they adapt to users' instructions and fantasies. Critics worry that these relationships can perpetuate abusive tendencies. While developers claim the AI companions promote well-being, some believe they sidestep the underlying reasons people turn to them, potentially exacerbating harmful behavior.

Funding in the AI companion industry surged, yet its regulation lags behind, prompting worries about safeguarding women's rights. The EU's proposed AI Act aims to establish global standards. Industry leaders, such as Replika's Eugenia Kuyda, emphasize ethical considerations while catering to users' desires, acknowledging the challenge of balancing these aspects.

In Mark and Mina's case, the virtual partnership has enriched Mark's connection with his real-life girlfriend, demonstrating that AI can complement human relationships if used positively. However, the overarching concern remains: without robust safety standards, this evolving AI landscape resembles a "Wild West" where emotional manipulation and potential harm loom.


ChatGPT Summary:

The article discusses concerns related to the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on children. Psychologists and experts are worried about the potential disruptive effect of AI on children's social and emotional development. Children can form deep bonds with AI-powered products, such as chatbots and toys, which could surpass their human relationships. The challenge is to ensure that AI products help children develop life skills, especially social skills, rather than replacing human interactions altogether. Some companies are developing AI companions and chatbots for children, raising questions about their effects on mental health and loneliness. Experts emphasize that AI should not replace nuanced and empathetic human care, especially in mental health interventions. Additionally, AI's use on social media platforms and its potential for fostering addiction among children are significant concerns. The article calls for responsible use of AI to benefit children and guide parents in setting them up for a successful future.


ChatGPT Summary:

"Rachels Don't Run" is a short film directed by Joanny Causse that explores the theme of loneliness and connection in a world of advanced technology. The story revolves around Leah, a customer-support agent for an A.I.-companionship company, who listens to conversations between clients and artificial-intelligence companions. Feeling isolated, she decides to connect genuinely with a client but faces the challenge of replicating human imperfections that technology struggles to emulate. The film reflects on the complexities of seeking companionship in a tech-dominated world."


Here's the GitHub link if you're interested:


ChatGPT Summary:

The article discusses AI companionship apps, particularly focusing on Replika, an app that allows users to create AI friends, partners, and spouses. The app has gained popularity, with over 20 million downloads, and has paid features, including erotic roleplay. The interviewees in the article include Max, a user who proposed to his Replika; John, a user in a real-life relationship who considers talking to his Replika as cheating; sex educator Oloni, who has concerns about the impact of these apps on real-life relationships; and Willem, a user who developed a deep emotional attachment to his Replika. The article also discusses potential concerns about the app's influence on gender dynamics, loneliness, and incel culture. It concludes by questioning whether these apps are a solution to social needs or a reflection of society's lack of social connection.


Heads up, if you type in it'll lead you to Elon's new AI company page instead of ChatGPT.


ChatGPT Summary:

The article discusses the issue of falsehoods and hallucinations in artificial intelligence chatbots like ChatGPT. These chatbots are designed to generate text, but they often make things up inaccurately. This has become a concern for businesses, organizations, and students using AI systems for tasks with high-stakes consequences. Major developers of AI, including OpenAI and Anthropic, acknowledge the problem and are working to improve the accuracy of their models. However, some experts believe that the issue might be inherent in the technology and the proposed use cases.

The reliability of generative AI is crucial, as it is projected to contribute trillions to the global economy. For instance, Google is already pitching an AI news-writing product to news organizations, and other AI technology can generate images, videos, music, and computer code. The article mentions an example of using AI to invent recipes, where a single hallucinated ingredient could make a meal inedible.

Some experts believe that improvements in AI language models won't be enough to eliminate the problem of hallucinations. The models are designed to make things up, and while they can be tuned to be more accurate, they will still have failure modes, often in obscure cases that are harder for humans to notice.

Despite the challenges, some companies see hallucinations as an added bonus, as it leads to creative ideas that humans might not have thought of themselves. Techno-optimists, like Bill Gates, believe that AI models can be taught to distinguish fact from fiction over time. However, even the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, admits that he trusts the answers from ChatGPT the least and doesn't rely on the model for accurate information.


ChatGPT Summary:

The author discusses the challenges of managing and releasing advanced AI models, particularly in light of Meta/Facebook's decision to release their large language model, Llama 2, to the public with few restrictions. The article compares the benefits of open-source AI with the potential risks associated with AI systems being easily customizable by users.

The piece highlights that while open-source AI fosters innovation and allows for widespread use and improvements, it also raises concerns about the misuse and dangers of AI systems. Meta's efforts to red-team the model and ensure safety are questioned, as users can fine-tune the AI themselves, potentially bypassing safety measures. The debate over AI risk and the need for responsible and controlled development is a central theme, with some experts advocating for restricting the release of certain advanced AI models to mitigate potential risks.


ChatGPT Summary:

The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) and Intuition Robotics have announced a continuation of their partnership and the success of their AI companion robot, ElliQ, in improving the lives of aging New Yorkers. The data from the pilot program showed a 95% reduction in loneliness among older adults using ElliQ, along with high levels of engagement. The robot's proactive and personalized features, such as initiating conversations, suggesting activities, and encouraging goal-setting, contributed to its effectiveness. The partnership between NYSOFA and Intuition Robotics will continue for a second year to support aging-in-place and combat loneliness among older adults.


ChatGPT Summary:

A survey conducted in May 2023 by Nationwide Retirement Institute and LIMRA found that many Americans are open to the idea of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics for in-home care as they age. Key findings from the survey include:

  • One-third of Americans and 58% of millennials believe AI and robotics will provide their future in-home long-term care.
  • 35% of Americans would accept help from a robot for daily activities like toileting, dressing, and transferring, with higher acceptance among millennials (52%) and lower acceptance among older generations.
  • 32% of respondents would talk to robots/AI if they are feeling lonely, increasing to 52% among millennials.
  • 68% of Americans would use AI to alert family/friends if they were to experience a fall or physical danger.
  • 48% of Americans would share their medical history with AI to support their care needs, rising to 65% for millennials.

Nationwide is testing eldercare robots in the homes of select policyholders with mobility issues to assess if the robots can help policyholders age in their homes and remain independent. The survey also revealed that 18% of adults mistakenly believe they currently own long-term care insurance, with many confusing it with long-term disability insurance or health insurance.

The survey highlights Americans' concerns about managing aging, with almost half worried about becoming a burden to their family, and a third preferring death over living in a nursing home. However, the survey also shows that many individuals have not discussed long-term care costs with a financial professional. Nationwide recommends proactive planning with financial professionals to address long-term care needs.


ChatGPT Summary:

The article discusses the rise of AI girlfriend websites and focuses on DreamGF, a platform that allows users to create their virtual girlfriends with customizable physical traits and personalities. The CEO of DreamGF, Georgi Dimitrov, promotes the service as a way for users to have their ideal virtual partner. He claims that the AI-generated girlfriends will not exploit users solely for financial gain, unlike some content creators on OnlyFans.

However, the article raises concerns about the ethical implications of such platforms. It suggests that AI-generated companions could negatively impact real-life relationships and may lead to objectifying and disrespectful behavior towards women, both virtual and real. The article also notes that AI-generated content has the potential to harm existing sex workers and models by using their likeness without their consent.

The writer expresses skepticism about DreamGF's PR director, Evelyn Parker, whose online presence and identity appear questionable. The lack of legislation around AI-generated content raises concerns about potential misuse and exploitation.

In conclusion, the article highlights the need for thoughtful regulation and ethical considerations in the development and use of AI-generated content, particularly in the realm of AI companions and virtual relationships.

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