Joe Rogan Is Weirder Than J.D. Vance in Gay Sex-Obsessed Live Netflix Special
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I hope he jumps off a cliff
I got banned for saying we should shoot paedophiles the reason given was "advocating for violence". Why are u allowed to say this about joe rogan but i can't advocate for shooting pedos can someone make this make sence.
I hope he does something Vs I think we should do something
It's a pretty straight forward distinction if you understand words
Fuck me that is brutal. 🤣 I think you need to be imprisoned for murder.
So u can advocate for someone to commit violence upon themselves but not commit violence upon others?
Its a lot less strait forward if you think through the implications of what the words mean.
Did a kangaroo kick you in the head, or were you born this stupid?
I think the distinction is hoping someone will do something vs saying we should do something. That’s the “advocating” part. Nobody can say that a comment hoping Rogan would jump off a cliff had anything to do with it if it actually happens somehow.
I don’t think either is acceptable frankly but my guess is this is a passive statement “I hope they do x”. Yours is advocating for direct violence “we should shoot/kill x”. Both are shitty and should be avoided imo but one is a call to action.
You know who always gets caught with kiddie porn on their computers? People like you who constantly want draconic punishments for those they cannot even differentiate from actual child rapists. So, what are you hiding?
I'll bite on ur obviously rage bait lose lose cenario.
Explain to me what people deserve the death penalty or do think it should be abolished?
I don't think there's an ethical basis for capital punishment, except under some extreme circumstance (like having intel that a militant force will raid a prison to rescue a high ranking war criminal).
There are multiple reasons:
Surprisingly, capital punishment is expensive. So expensive in fact, that it's cheaper to keep them in prison for their entire life, multiple times over.
The capacity for someone to suffer ends when they die. If you believe in punishment (I don't, but you do you), then it makes sense to prolong their suffering as long as possible.
Capital punishment doesn't dissuade criminals. Countries with capital punishment have just as many criminals as those without.
Punishment is a shitty metric by all accounts. Harm mitigation is the aim of the game, whether you're talking about prison or execution, they're both isolating a person from the broader community. If the prison serves the same purpose, why do we need execution?
It's unrealistic to employ capital punishment where there isn't any. Anyone who deserves to be executed would not be released from prison. You've got a better chance of convincing people to prolong prison punishments than you do of instating legal murder.
Innocent people are wrongfully convinced every day. Many people have been executed, only to be found innocent some years later.
What in the hell about my comment is rage bait? lol Over the years we've had countless of news articles about priests, pedo hunters and other highly "outspoken" individuals getting caught with child pornography or a history of raping children. It's always the same pattern.
Death penalty = barbarism. Murder is only okay if there's no other option, like a trapped you vs me scenario, or a violent dictator like Hitler who can't be removed through other means, etc. And I already live in a civilized country so it already is abolished.
What the other poster was getting at, which I was going to bring up is they said there's a difference between a paedophile and a child molester.
A child molester is a criminal, a paedophile is not.
Don't get the wrong idea, this isn't a defence of paedophiles, but defence of a demographic of people who haven't done anything wrong.
Much of the reason paedophiles dont seek help is because of the mindset displayed here.
A paedophile who commits themselves to never touching a child is nothing short of a hero in my opinion.