Could it be that setq cursor-type is not respected by org-mode?
Org mode does not change cursor type in Org buffers. I recommend checking your hooks.
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Could it be that setq cursor-type is not respected by org-mode?
Org mode does not change cursor type in Org buffers. I recommend checking your hooks.
Thank you for your advice and for looking into this!
I went through all the hooks, they just start:
But I commented out almost everything in my config and found out it has to do with mixed-pitch
. The solution:
(use-package mixed-pitch
(setq mixed-pitch-variable-pitch-cursor 'box))
When no setting is done, mixed-pitch automatically sets the cursor to 'bar. So my setting it to 'box by cursor-type
was of no use for my org-mode buffers (with mixed-pitch). Phew! Now it works as I like it.
Thanks again for your quick answer. It's great that everything can be set to one's liking in Emacs.