Mabuhay at maligayang pagdating sa! 🇵🇭
A federated community and Reddit alternative for the Philippines and all things Filipino!
1. Follow Code of Conduct
2. Posts should be relevant to PH
Keep all non-PH posts on the Daily random threads where pretty much anything goes topic-wise.
3. No flaming or name-calling
While understandably impossible, try to be civil at all times.
4. No editorialized titles
Stick to the actual article title. Do not add your opinion to it or, worse, simply "Thoughts?"
5. Minimize reposts
6. Censor personal information
Don't just pixelate it either. Follow this guide on the ideal way to do it. Naturally, we also do not condone doxing.
7. Provide sources for any claims
8. Use screenshots for FB posts
Since FB is inaccessible unless logged in, post screenshots instead.
9. Post ALL ads in thevisoria
Strictly no Classified Ads.
10. Use Teddit, Libreddit, and other web archiving sites, for Reddit links
Alternately, SafeReddit and archiving websites such as Internet Web Archive and also works.
Filipino artists whose works are used on our daily random thread covers. Check them out, get a commission, or buy a print or two!
Some other Filipino communities you might be interested in:
Main banner by Jeriel Jan del Prado
Philemon design by Rajie Balderama
Footer is BongBong Gising