Prime time curse. Everyone thinking chiefs and eagles is gonna be amazing, gonna end like 13-17
A place for NFL news, game highlights and everything that excites you about American Football.
Is it just me or has the Manningcast taken a dive in quality
Mahomes has been an exceptional guest so far
I wonder if Kyle Brandt is over at Eli’s with Sean Ohara
Ugh Patrick's really in his 7th year already? It feels like he was just a rookie coming in when we rested our starters against Denver.
Can we just only do player guests?
Wilson sliding into second base
Fluke INT tbh. Davis has to catch that
Peyton tryna pay attention to Eli, but really rather watch the game
I realize Russ is protecting himself but he could’ve got another 4-5 yards there. He seems to be really conservative on runs
Lol why did Archie throw that ball underhanded
I mean, healthy food and exercise could help with those issues as well.
Reminder that Mahomes did not answer whether it was a thong or not.
A potentially good Thursday Night game makes me uncomfortable
Mahomes asking them not to Hype up Crosby before their their upcoming game was hilarious
Where's the giant Peyton head
My truth is mahomes wears a red thong on game day
that looked like a glass of poop burger king
This team does not want to play for this dude. Pegula has been nothing but bad luck since he signed Ville Leino. Or Billy Lame-o as my boy used to call him.
Stop trying to make "perfect prediction panel" a thing, guys. It's always forced in
If broncos and browns both make a post season run this sub might shut down
Peyton just had a PTSD flashback to Maher
Peyton is another person when he actually gets to talk to another QB who isn’t Eli
Y'all remember when Tracey Morgan was on the show 💀💀
They should only have players on bye come in. Only when there aren’t byes should they have celebrities
Anyone who actually paid attention to the roster would have known that this team was not that great and that our coach is Outcoached every single week.
So great when they have a football guest who’s audio works and respect enough to never speak over
Eli bringing up the tripod signal again, lol.
Right on queue lmao
Mahomes was a very solid guest
Oh look, we've got some 9-7 bullshit going on
EDIT: Welp, 9-8 now.
I wanna see more of that little fight brewing in the stands
Incredible sequence as Peyton celebrates a pick in the middle of an Eli big head joke.
The totally unnecessary 3D table gets me every time
Is tripod like a dick joke is that why Eli keeps bringing it up
God damn. Got a lil game here finally?
Gen Z Brett Favre
Bills went from camping the airport at 2AM in the dead of Buffalo winter to cheer their team after getting bounced in the first round of the playoffs to booing them at home Week 10.
Glad to see they've gone back to bringing in relevant guests.
If Peyton ever does tripod on air it will be the single greatest meme image of all time
Now, I’m going to bed after this INT.
slipped the kid some HGH
but it's okay it's for the kid's wife
Josh Allen moment
I love watching Peyton watch the Broncos
Allen is the new Eli, change my mind...
Bills should just release Diggs and Davis. Let a team like Miami sign those guys.
the insane attention to detail is why Peyton is as good as he was. Love it (and I’m glad he’s not on the broncos anymore)
Peyton always wants to go for it lol
Watching Peyton be such a homer is super entertaining lol