That shove has me dying. Love AD
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The white dude on grizz should get a T just for that ridiculous flop and holding his nose. What a clown just like the rest of the Grizz
WTF is AD doing there? Why are you pushing the dude when youre in the way?
Grizzlies players seem as miserable as their fans lol
please kiss please kiss please kiss
We need Afro AD at all times lmao
In season tourney
wait why did he grab his nose? covering a snot booger?
Santi is being an absolute chode in all of this and it's hysterical
He flopped against Portland a few weeks ago as well lol
If you watch their bench reaction, one teammate believed him completely lol
Edit: punctuation
Edit: punctuation
Serious question: what’s the point of announcing that you edited your comment due to a punctuation error?