Mind if he sings a short christmas song?
Everything related to the animated television show South Park! (Images, videos, quotes, news, articles, thoughts, trivia, etc.)
Mind if he sings a short christmas song?
Jimmy, Butters and Randy are the best.
Butters, no question.
Same! I always get 🥹 when his character is on the screen. One of my top favorite episodes Season 13 Episode 9 Butters Bottom Bitch. I love those sweet funny episodes of his.
It's gotta be Randy.
He's such a bro lol
Stan Marsh because he's just some random dude who hangs out with the boys, that's all I can think of.
The Queef sisters lol
They're just funny to me
Terrance and Phillip
My mentor and spiritual advisor ~ Towelie
towelie is great 😹😹 : i’m more of a mr hankey fan but i also love towelie, how can you not?
Jimmy very much
What a great audience
Randy.. never know what he's going to be up to.
you mean… LORDE 🤭🤭
Chef 😭
stan and kenny. i relate to stan's thought process on a lot of things and kenny is just too good of a friend. we also have the same love for titties👏🏽
Craig's mom's bush
Butters. I adore him
Kyle. It’s been Kyle since I started watching the show 15 years ago.
Of the main 4 its Cartman hands down because he is the reason for all the best episodes. Randy and Butters are two characters that make this show even better.
Is it obvious?
Everyone knows it's Butters
Eric Cartman is the funniest character and also my favorite with Butters.
tweek >
you are the first person to comment tweek !! i love him :((
Cartman and Randy. Cartman because he’s everyone’s internal voice spoken aloud, no filter. Also the Tourette’s episode was just fuckin hilarious. Crap filled Vagina. Randy is just the fucking man. His episode where he did the penis math, my God. I almost stopped breathing from laughing, genuinely.
randy does have me wheeze laughing sometimes,, truly 😭 - cartman & randy are both so funny,, but i think randy MAY have more moments that have me in hysterics laughing actually
"Cartman. That guy cracks me up with his crazy antics, even if he can be a bit much sometimes.
cartman, he makes the show what it is especially the older seasons not really any of these pc episodes
Randy and Catmannnbrah
Kenny, loved him since the first episode :) he’s very silly
South Park Satan or Towely