Here is the PR, with some more details and conversation:
OpenStreetMap community
Everything #OpenStreetMap related is welcome: software releases, showing of your work, questions about how to tag something, as long as it has to do with OpenStreetMap or OpenStreetMap-related software.
OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
Join OpenStreetMap and start mapping:
There are many communication channels about OSM, many organized around a certain country or region. Discover them on is an easy-to-use website to view, edit and add points (such as shops, restaurants and others) has a lot of information for beginners too.
@retiolus @openstreetmap @organicmaps developers need to get paid...
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Hi there! Your text contains links to other Lemmy communities, here are correct links for Lemmy users: !
@retiolus @openstreetmap @organicmaps I think it's fair for apps to become financially viable, and really poor form when people criticize apps for trying to be financially viable. The Organic Maps team does a ton of unpaid work and yet people use it and expect developers to work for them for free, but also reject apps that are built by paid developer working in for profit companies. I applaud Organic Maps finding a way to ensure it has long and healthy future!