I can’t imagine any harm! Just make sure you put it the right way up so you don’t accidentally hold down the power button with its weight.
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There is a danger that if left for a long time all the digital ink will fall to the bottom of the display.
That's not quite accurate. The binary ones will sink to the bottom of the display, but the zeros will float to the top.
It's not stupid to ask such a thing. It's precisely what happens, after a product was well engineered, thoroughly tested and released: the first real user "is holding it wrong" and all those engineers and testers are flabbergasted "WHO would DO that??". Well, YOU would ;-) and that's good.
No issue. One concern is that the metal along the side is very soft so if you're used to putting the RM in by putting the corner first then pivoting, you can bend the metal, damaging the USB port.
If it's in a sleeve you're ok.
I think it's a great idea, and a great question. My advice - just be careful what you do with your marker/pen. If it's magnetically clipped, it could fall off as you put it in and pull it out of the shelf. This used to happen with my original reMarkable folio all the time when the device went in/out of my laptop bag or man-purse. I got a new case before I totally lost the marker (which is a cheaper option.)
Hahaha, I love it. NO STUPID QUESTIONS. Thanks for the laugh, this sounds like every thought in my head before I speak also.
First of all, not a stupid question. All questions just lead to learning, and that aint bad.
I have mine vertical most of the time, in my bag, between cords and a Wacom tablet. Or schoolbag and books in the past.
Never had an issue. ~3/4 years with the same tablet.
It depends on the books. Next to 50 Shades of Grey books? It might stay turned on the whole time and drain the battery. Some D&D rulebooks? You’re rolling the dice there. Next to a breakfast cookbook? Might scramble all your notes.
It's right next to my copy of The Rapture of the Nerds. Guess I won't need a Connect account after all.
Just shake it when you use it to clear the previous image #EtchASketch