OsmAnd, best downloaded from Fdroid. It has profiles for driving and hiking so you can use it for both with different settings.
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https://mapcomplete.org/ is an easy-to-use website to view, edit and add points (such as shops, restaurants and others)
https://learnosm.org/en/ has a lot of information for beginners too.
Yet buying the app on pstore doesn't hurt the devs. Or donating to their bitcoin wallet.
I think Organic Maps is the best.
Thank you. I am very much in favor of fully open projects, so I am giving this one a try first. I found there is a desktop version as well, but it does not detect the GPS dongle plugged into my linux computer, and crashes if I try to search my own address. I can put in a 1, but when I put in the second digit, the program crashes. Routing seems to work fine on the android app though.
Yeah I think the desktop app is more of a developer tool. The main apps are the Android and iOS apps.
OsmAnd was specifically designed for offline use, downloads the maps and runs the routing all offline. Can do both online as well but by default after download it's all offline
Magic earth
OSMAnd does just that, I love it.
EDIT: On Google Play, you get the premium version for free if you make contributions to OSM once in a while. On F-Droid, you get the premium version, for free.
you’ll get the paid version for free if you make contributions to OSM once in a while
How does that work?
If you are an active OSMer you can activate the "OSM edits" plugins, connect it with your OSM account and you can get OsmAnd live for free every month (see official guide).
@Mannivu @scorpionix the Live updates are hourly not once a month.
I know, but the user contributions to get the Live subscription are checked every month.
It doesn't, I'm sorry. I just checked and I was wrong - on Google Play, you get the premium version for free if you make contributions to OSM once in a while. On F-Droid, you get the premium version, for free.
It doesn't, the paid version is completely free on F-Droid.
Osmand to my knowledge Limits the number of offline maps you get for free, mapy.cz does not. In mapy.cz you also get the terrain for free.
mapy.cz is built by a company which loves tracking and advertisements. OsmAnd doesn't limit you if you use the OsmAnd+ version, which is paid on the Play $tore but free on F-Droid. There are also Organic Maps, which are completely free.
The droid page says that OsmAnd tracks and reports your activity. Magic Earth downloaded from playstore or Organic Maps are better privacy respecting choices.
The tracking by osmand app doesn't seem to be anything malicious or revealing. Developers, contributors, and users discuss the meaning of the tracking here, which is also referenced in the F-Droid page. After reading some back and forth, the level of privacy or lack of you get from the tracking seems subjective. I personally don't agree with it but its not as nosy as gmaps.
How are magic earth and organic maps any better in respect to privacy or tracking/reporting?
Hey, your links are incorrect. It should be https://mapy.cz (single P) instead of having two P's - which link to a lingerie website... Can you edit your post?
OSMAnd is very good, with a lot of features, but lately I have been using Organic Maps. It has fewer features but is SO MUCH FASTER when rendering maps.
I still mainly use Osmand but it's pathfinding is completely bonkers sometimes (like when you need to go down a street (on foot) it instead takes a right into another street, then a left and left again, so you would walking in a square when you could just go straight ahead). It's super obvious most of the times but I don't know if I would trust it when I go somewhere by car (which I never do so I don't care ^__^).
One thing I like about Osmand for driving is that it tells you which lane(s) you should to be in for the next turn/junction/roundabout. It's especially useful for large junctions and/or in busy traffic. I've had it do the "detour route" that you talk about, but it's never been anything major like a complete square that's lead to wasting time.