I'm very suspicious about the amount of actual farming Jennifer Garner does...
A place for NFL news, game highlights and everything that excites you about American Football.
At least there won't be overtime
Minnesota needs to not play softball here. Keep blitzing my dudes.
we need to take the delay of game so that the punter can pin them deep. A touchback would really suck
Punter: Gives them 10 more yards than a touchback
Maybe Fields should try some foreword fumbles to his own guys.
It seems a little weird Jennifer Garner has a side hustle.
Bears are the champions of excitingly terrible football this year. Always worth a watch if you're not a Bears fan.
KOC: “1 point is the safest lead in the world”
Our staff is such profound cowards
I'd bet on a missed FG here
Damn, Buck trying to jinx him. Shut up, my guy.
Bro their QB and WR1 are out let’s not act like they’re just “regressing.” Lol.
Vikings gonna have 7 seconds left 🤣
"Regress to the mean as they say" lmfao
Laces out!
Why not just take a delay here?
Absolutely cruel to show Santos missing in a previous kick come on now
The Lions fan in me wants the kick to go in. My love for chaos wants him to miss it.
Does anybody in this thread believe they make the FG?
MISS THE KICK, miss the kick!
If he misses this I’m gonna scream
It's so frustrating cause we easily win this with Cousins.
Gg bears. Wasn't a gg by either of us but gg
A missed fg here would catapult this game into all time worst territory
I love all the Lions fans coming out of the woodwork to talk shit about the Vikings and Bears. That's like magicians picking on jugglers.
NFCN full of frauds. Vikings - Frauds. Lions lost to the Packers - Frauds. Packers are barely better than the Bears' record - Frauds. Bears - absolute dumpster fire.
Vikings playing the long game and fucking the bears draft position
Good job bears.
Well it was fun
It was a forward pass u dicks.
ENTIRELY fitting shit show of an ensign.
Justin Fields, welcome to the CFL!!
Get ready to learn Canadian, buddy!!
An NFC north instant classic
Well…that was definitely a football game
“I played alright” and that’s why this dude is ass. Zero ability to self evaluate
The silver lining about watching these crappy games at home is that at least you don't have to pay out the nose for beer at the stadium...
And that statement is totally not from personal experience
"The force that moves everything around us" is already established as "dolla dolla bill y'all"
I don't mind running no play there. 2 minutes and where they are on the field coupled with only needing a FG. Time isn't an issue.
Vikings thought they had this in the bag
I hope Flores never gets a shot at HC. He’s bad
Am I crazy in thinking the Bears should try for a TD and not trust their kicker?
Bears need to draft a QB. Fields is so garbage.
Nobody beats the Bears twice in a row after giving them 4 turnovers!
no way Bears miss the kick, right...no way ;)
Just as one final example of how dogshit these refs are: they’ve whistled it dead immediately after both snaps, despite Justin very deliberately taking a few steps to burn clock AND the players specifically pointing it out to them after the first kneel
This is some of the worst head coaching in the 4th quarter I think I’ve ever seen.
Can't believe I watched this sick shit
He still has to make it...