No more prime time games featuring teams with a losing record after week 8. Flex them out and only show good teams.
It’s like relegation in soccer.
A place for NFL news, game highlights and everything that excites you about American Football.
No more prime time games featuring teams with a losing record after week 8. Flex them out and only show good teams.
It’s like relegation in soccer.
at least CM Punk is back in WWE.
You know what, shout out to the defenses
Both defenses are really playing well
Just got word that Johns Hopkins is researching this game and is excited to announce new breakthroughs in general anesthesia based on their findings
No coach worth their salt will take the Panthers coaching job.
Got a live o/u 26.5 a half hour ago. Easy $$$. Also, thz should be the Vikings primary unis
They should put the helmet inside of the skull to keep the brain as safe as possible, and tattoo the team logo directly onto the players heads.
If they get traded you can just cross it out and put a new logo.
Millenials fucking love Ludacris
ESPN killing Primetime was the sports media crime of the millennium
I love Boomer
You could’ve set those Pats-Giants highlights to Yackety Sax.
I'm gonna say it. Feel free to flame me.
But Justin Fields is the most naturally talented Bears QB in its recent history. I genuinely believe he's a star the Bears can build around.
Hearing Boomer is a reminder of how much ass ESPN has become. He's still the highlight king.
It’s hard watching the highlights of other games knowing it’ll go back to yakety sax soon
I feel sorry for anybody that thought a home primetime game against the Bears would be an easy win
The look on Belichick's face makes me happy
This might be the worst Monday night football game of the year . Impressive
If anyone out here in this thread loves me, please stop me from the self-harm that would be me watching the second half
A ~~10~~ 6-1 flag ratio in one half should simply never happen. That's not a properly called game. Refs Heavily favoring the Vikings this game.
That UTI dude needs to wash his dick sometimes
Planters PeaBustANuts
I wish there was a rule where a head coach was allowed to kick the head official in the nuts once per season. I bet their penalty calls would shape up real quick.
There should be a voting thing like American idol where we can all just decide to end this misery
What first half highlights?????
It’s hard to tell if both of these teams are bad or if one of them actually got better
I hate the colors they chose to indicate timeouts. So dark it looks like they were used
wow what a tackle
Letsss go
That was so fucking stupid Kevin. So fucking stupid.
LMAO Vikings!!
What a stupid play call, side note this o line is trying to kill Dobbs
Target Commercials: 1
CJ Ham Targets: 1
Darnell Mooney Targets: 1
Brandon Powell Targets: 1
Trent Taylor Targets: 1
Sometimes you gotta catch the ball with your hands instead of leaving your feet to catch it with your body.
You can’t stretch for the first when you do the latter
Very creative blitz on third down.
So I'm drinking Canta Ritos (alcoholic Jarritos) 'cause as Hans and Franz would say I'm a girly man and I gotta say this shit is delicious. Not alcoholic enough IMO but definitely the best hard soda I've tried.
this game is as good as these teams are
I'd rather watch dudes doing BMX tricks during the second half
I haven’t watched much of the Bears this year… is Fields always this bad?
Memes aside. This Chicago defense is impressive the last two weeks, they're ballhawking
The NFL honoring end of the BIG west tonight.
Out of all of the games I've watched this year... this is definitely one of them.
Has anyone heard that Dobbs has an engineering degree
KOC what the fuck are you doing my guy
Valkyries tried upping the 4th and 10, but just like the Playoffs ended up short
GOAT Christmas commercial
Target: For when you still want cheap shit but don’t want to deal with the Wal-Mart crowd
I can't watch the game right now, and can only see its 3-3. Is it a good defensive battle, or is it ass?