OpenStreetMap community
Everything #OpenStreetMap related is welcome: software releases, showing of your work, questions about how to tag something, as long as it has to do with OpenStreetMap or OpenStreetMap-related software.
OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
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There are many communication channels about OSM, many organized around a certain country or region. Discover them on is an easy-to-use website to view, edit and add points (such as shops, restaurants and others) has a lot of information for beginners too.
@WeirdAlex03 @NateNate60 IMO OSM Americana is part of OSM.
The OSM Project is a large and fuzzy thing ๐
*Not part of, I should have said, it's not one of the map layer options. You're right, it is under the larger OSM umbrella
I'm not sure if this should be added to osm. E.g. OrganicMaps adds local subway icons from outside osm, another renderer could just pair the country and highway level to an external list of icons the same way.
For reference here is the svg files in OrganicMaps source, just scroll down to the ones starting with subway-