
joined 2 days ago
[–] 97xBang@feddit.online 1 points 7 hours ago

what made you change your mind?

[–] 97xBang@feddit.online 1 points 7 hours ago

this is so fucking validating. thanks for sharing.

[–] 97xBang@feddit.online 1 points 13 hours ago

It's because whomever gets the most votes, gets the office they ran for.

Say there is an election for a state governor this year. The candidate that gets the most votes is the one that gets the position. Let's say there are four candidates running, each representing one the following four parties: Ones, Twos, Alphas, & Betas. The population is mostly evenly distributed among the parties so that each have 25% of the vote. Of this election, whomever gets the most votes wins, so they focus on getting their people out to vote. Now, Ones and Twos have much more in common with each other than the rest, so they decide that it's better if they team up because while they may not be perfectly happy if they win, they'll be more happy than if either Alphas or Betas win. They create a joint party called Numbers. The voting population is now distributed so that Numbers have 50% of the vote, while Alphas and Betas have 25% each. The Numbers party will now easily win all elections. Alphas and Betas see this, and they decide to join their parties too, coming out with the Alphabets party. What was once four parties became three then two.

This is an effect that results from having a winner-takes-all (i.e. first-past-the-post) type of election. In places where people vote for parties of their legislature, and the legislature then elects their executive leader, you get more parties. People can vote for their favorite party that represents them best. Those get into legislative office. Then, those parties can team up to promote their favorite candidate for leadership. In this manner, everyone has a more detailed representation, so the legislature represents the population more correctly. The downside is that the leader is not directly voted on by the population, but the politicians.

I may be a little incorrect on how the details work in the second paragraph, but that's the general idea. If you want to see a video that explains the first paragraph using animals as parties, check this CGP Grey video out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tWHJfhiyo

[–] 97xBang@feddit.online 2 points 14 hours ago

It has been my experience that the best persona to use at work is one of no humanity. Be a corporate robot. When you walk in those doors, kill any sense of emotion. Look at everything logically. Make no friends. Focus on the tasks that your performance is measured. Leave no room for misinterpretation.

Most people are cool, but some are hunting for opportunities. Don't give those people any opportunities.

[–] 97xBang@feddit.online 4 points 14 hours ago

I think that what happened with the Boeing 737-MAX crashing was that they had a sensor that if it got stuck, the software was programed to make the plane pitch down, even overriding the pilot's own input. That resulted in the deaths of 346 people.

If it's Boeing, I ain't going.

[–] 97xBang@feddit.online 2 points 1 day ago

We don't know each other, but if we met, we'd probably understand each other really fast. If there's an afterlife, I hope we meet up. I'm sure we could both provide each other some validation.

[–] 97xBang@feddit.online 2 points 1 day ago

Puts on beef?

[–] 97xBang@feddit.online -4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Who did?

And, how can you tell it was sharpened from the picture? Usually, when I've seen sharpened knives, the cutting edge has scratch marks perpendicular to the blade and is wider than normal from being grinded into a longer slant.


It's always been just KDE to me. In the past year or so, I've noticed people calling Plasma KDE or even just Plasma. What happened? Why do people insist on making the name longer? Why the word Plasma? What is Plasma referring to? And, are they trying to move away from the KDE name to just Plasma?

Answer: Plasma is the desktop environment. KDE is the community that makes Plasma and many other related software.

[–] 97xBang@feddit.online 8 points 2 days ago

you know they did that shit on purpose because they hate you. you should cause a scene, or everyone will know you let them win. pls report back.

[–] 97xBang@feddit.online 1 points 2 days ago

Ok, you clearly didn't mean to do that. It was a mistake. You're not an asshole. If anything, the issue is how this girl was impacted by it. We wont know for sure, but you can get an idea. Perhaps ask a bunch of women you know how they would take it if they experienced that. You might feel relieved by their responses. Shoot. They might even share experiences that will help you realize that maybe she even took it as a mistake herself and she didn't stop to help you not feel embarrassed even further. Not everyone defaults to "that was sexual assault!" in all cases. She might have thought, "Did this awkward guy that avoided eye contact and had an alarmed expression at the last second just smack my ass cause he was sexually assaulting me in front of all these people while the bus almost hit me and then stopped to talk about it with me? Nah, there's no way. There has to be another reason...Anyway, I'm hungry. Can't wait to get home and eat my leftovers."

Personally, I disagree with that 100% chance of a #metoo story. I'm not saying it isn't possible or probable, but not 100% certain. I would be interested in hearing what your women friends say about it. Pls report back if you ask them.

[–] 97xBang@feddit.online 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Who are you using for Medicare Part c?

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