The cartels own a lot of the resorts over there and purposefully keep them quiet because they are very profitable which mans the people involved are likely going to be murdered for putting profits in jeopardy.
The global authorities would need to keep the US out of the equation as they would probably say something along the lines of 'give us a percentage and we'll look the other way... Again.
I doubt that these are stealth advertisements but apple know that a vast majority of the people who buy their stuff really, REALLY want others to see that they have them. It's some deluded prestige/ status thing that they perceive apple products gives them.
For a while, i wondered why Americans tend use their credit cards instead of debit cards but then it occurred that they are encouraged to use credit cards because you cant get into debt using debit cards and debt is very profitable.
Next to his ego, everything looks small.
"We need to make it look like we're not profiting from the influx of illegal drugs into our country..."
He's an insecure, narcissistic, ignorant, idiot... and this is the reason why so many Americans worship him... because he makes them feel like their negative personality traits are a good thing.
I've read it a few times that China is due to take over as the worlds biggest economy by the year 2040/2045
There are a lot of those involved in US government.
Tiktok is Chinese and Facebook is American... That's why they are saying tiktok is bad... Facebook is probably worse by a considerable degree.
Rules are an enforcement method instilling education of the consequences of not following the rules.