Of course my suggestion wasn't without limits. Personally I will try to help/teach anyone once. If they continue to not make any effort then neither will I.
Try teaching them.
Thanks for the answer. The need for something on such a huge scale just for girls scouts seems crazy to me! But your country is on a huge scale I suppose.
Are girl scout cookies always the same or does it depend on where they come from? I've seen them in just about every American sitcom/animated sitcom ever and I'm just curious if they are a specific brand or something else?
Excellent. That's basically my super power.
Is it better to close it or just leave it unused?
Just commenting to acknowledge the mint/breath of fresh air line. Solid work.
You may be right. But we don't know that for sure. We can assume it because it makes throwing shit at Elon easier, and believe me I'm happy to throw shit at him, but I want it to be accurate. More importantly that wasn't the context of most comments. They are the standard 'call your opponent a pedophile' tactic that the right wing lazy wankers use. Why? Because who would defend someone accused of being a pedophile? It takes out the person you're against and their defenders. Unfortunately this tactic if throwing an accusations of pedophilia at the drop of a hat lessens the impact of legitimate accusations.
Did anyone commenting actually read the article? It isn't about Elon.
As an egg gets older it starts to break down, so it's density becomes less. Eventually it's density will be less than the water so it'll begin to float.
Yes. Manga isn't my thing but yes it counts. Frankly any book counts.
Absolutely. I was acknowledging that with the word 'try'.