Seems a bit nearsighted to accuse every service of malice and then completely ignore that tutanota fixes lackluster pgp encryption by also encrypting the subject line.
This works virtually identically between both providers, except that Tutanota encrypts both the message body and subject line, whereas ProtonMail only encrypts the message body. This doesn't pose a huge risk if you use the former service. Just make sure that your subject lines don't contain any sensitive information. source
Completly, if you don't want google you don't install it, play store/play service/service framework are installable like regular apps. If you later find something that you need it for e.g. Netflix or banking app, you can make a new profile as to not contaminate your google free profile, even though its sandboxed.
so does this work with .zip and .mov thanks google btw?
Cool, thank you for clearing that up!