They're independent stats. You can both assess the effectiveness of your job descriptions and see how difficult it would be to replace certain employees.
Vermintide is really awesome. I love Bardin. The banter among all the characters is great.
Q in the loo.
I thought you were going to say X-COM 2 - War Of The Chosen.
Watch "Strange Brew" and let me know if you change your mind on that.
Awesome Canadian movie.
Sounds like a cautionary tale Canada should listen to. We have an election sort of coming up. I really don't want to lose our carbon tax.
Expanding on the plot.
Gimmie that motormouth sound.
Try out Smarttubenext. Made watching YouTube on my chromecast with Google TV enjoyable again.
TIL there's an Edmonton in the London area that the Edmonton in Canada is named after.
Yeah, bricking something makes it completely unusable anymore: ie. turned into nothing more than a brick. If you can access it and restore functionality then it wasn't bricked.
TIL Tim Curry was still alive. I knew he had a stroke, but I figured he wouldn't live long after that.