
joined 2 years ago

I'm in agreement!

These people keep bringing up "mArKeT sHaRE"

  1. Linux is free. How would it get market share?
  2. It's quite difficult to get an accurate "market share" since user-agents can be faked.

EDIT: I wonder if Microsoft are making anti-Linux accounts to try and hamper Linux.


Thank god I saw this. I vehemently dislike the idea of paying VPNs.

I forgot proxies existed for some reason; I used them in the past.


I still feel like I'm not taking privacy seriously enough. I haven't gotten a VPN yet because that requires pay and I am too lazy to try to get money. (I wish there were free (in pricing) VPNs.)


Forgefriends highlights how propriety services, like GitHub, can lock in a projects and destroy its momentum.

Lots of major free software projects are hosted by the project creators to avoid being screwed over by proprietary services.


If Microsoft were to release a competing link aggregator; then they could persuade GitHub (Microsoft's subsidiary) into locking or removing the main repository for Lemmy's source code.


My mom has a business and mostly uses Windows and Mac OS X; I mentioned Linux because it could help save money.

She is unfamiliar with Linux though; I gave her some basic introduction (uncertain if it's any good, but sure), but I would like to be able to ease her into Linux if she prefers it.