For me, it was an accident. I had a degree in a hard science, but realized that academia would drive me mad. My first job was in a relatively small industry and I just kept on with it until I knew the requirements to making a safe and quality product.
The fear of being fired exists, but you have to know when and where to ask those questions. I ask our vendors whether their employees have a right to form a union if they want one, for example. I also know that our plant managers are deeply opposed to our own employees having that option.
Eventually that question is going to come up. It'll probably come from a consultant that we hire to evaluate us. It won't be me unless there's a situation where it would be awkward not to ask about it. For example, if an HR rep is dumb enough to tell us we're perfectly free in that regard, I'd be sorely tempted to ask when that policy changed.
Far as I know it's just the one song by Vincent E.L. And it's, uh, not serious. But kinda fun.