Expanse was great. Firefly was also great. A good series about relationships was NightSky, sort of a slower paced show about an elderly couple with a hint of SCI-FI.
There are distros that don't break
Edit: just saw your other comment, so this may not apply to you now....Not that the default is smart, but the default has been set to fail a boot if parts are missing. Imagine a rocket launch system check, is temperature system online, no, fail and abort. While as users -- for convenience--we want the system to boot even though a drive went offline, that may not be best default for induatrial applications. Or where another system relylies on first one to be up and coherent. So we have to use the nofail option, to contine the boot on missing drive.
Its a 'failsafe' , like if part of the system depends on that drive mounting then if it fails then don't continue. Not the expected default, but probably made sense at some point. Like if brakes are broken don't allow starting truck, type failsafe.
I have never had issues with anu router when setting static inside dhcp range. Adding IP and MAC has always worked. Not saying you won't have issues, just I haven't yet
It just checks to see if there is anything in a bash.d folder, if there isn't it moves on. Just somebody being preemptively helpful to check for other locations
My guess is not a whole lot to the average user, but it would allow for things to still respond when other things have bogged down resources. I am assuming real world applications would be industry like a machine safery stop should always have a quick turn around, and not be delayed by harddrive writes. But may like how they write special OS code for spacecraft where sending and receiving instructions on board has special states and if response isn't given in timely manner the system can recognize, so malfunctions are prevented. There was an artivle/podcast somewhere abouy how this all had to work in realtime and not be queued waiting
Probably because old folks know that mermaids are a myth and don't identify as mermaids ( although ai think I saw a docuseries about a 30ish year old thinking he was one) Where as furries bleed the line between what might be fetish realm, and what might be some people actually believing/thinking they are a furry animal--which would be considered a delusion.
Nestle will fight him