It could have been earlier? i tried Ubuntu around 2012. I didn't know how to get rid of the Amazon stuff, and it turned me off Linux...thinking why use this OS that is ad based....wasn't till 2017 when W10 made our computers slow that I tried linux again.
When i met my wife she had a lof of anxiety about planes; white knuckled flights, tears,took calming pills, barfing etc. Last year she tried skydiving for her 50th birthday. I can't believe she actually did it. :)
I love me an old map. Sadly I lost my Orienteering compass many moves ago
Don't know the issue you faced, but if it can help DBT is another approach for issues. I took a "course" in it to help support my child going through it.
This smells like the dude who called it in is buddies with one of the cops.
Heck as kids my friends (stupidly) shot each other with BB guns, with a 1 pump rule, no adults ever called a cop...let alone a water fight
Use google translate, it has lots of languages to transcribe to
Check for Iron and B vitamin deficiency if doc didn't already suggest it.
Binary blobs i thought
Sure, but RustDesk is not entirely opensource, there are key binary parts.
Im surprise they installed them in the first place. First thing I did when somebody gave me TPlink Kasa smart plugs and switches was run the github code to swap the remote server lookup to