Thanks. I believe I have the no DNR version. Wasn't sure what DNR meant, so now I know.
Officially asked three times.
So do I. But it is a term from Gen Z to piss off Gen X.
Bankruptcy from paying Trumps legal fees and judgements incoming in 3, 2, 1...
Of course people don't participate when you turn politics into a full time job. They already have a full time job.
Especially when activists turn it into a "No True Scottsman" situation. Just more, more, more.
In the next breath they'll call him "sleepy Joe."
It is in the age of AI and Automation.
Keep in mind, the cost of labor is the smallest piece of the cost of a vehicle. It's about being afraid to talk to their own workers and treat them like humans.
Fucking compete you losers.
If they are compliant, that means students can demand their data to be removed?
Methinks y'all doth protest too much.
When I looked, I needed a code form a current member to join. So I'm out of luck, and the website said if you can't get the code, then just get it from the usual sites.