
joined 10 months ago


How do I begin customer development? I'm a solopreneur looking for some help to figuring out some of the answers to some real world problems and trying to gauge what the B2B market actually finds valuable. I am looking into the operations automation space as part of my solution and looking to see what kind of problems all of you are trying to solve. I'm having trouble deciding where to start and how to get folks comfortable enough to just have a conversation without the audience thinking it's a sales pitch. I thought about using the somewhat truthful idea of saying it's for a research paper/article but I don't know if that's a good idea. How would you begin?

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

What you need is a fractional or working CFO or controller for oversite and to push the team for funding/goals, etc. and most likely an analyst (bookkeeper) . The analyst would handle mainly the operations with the expectation that the CFO and controller will also be handling some of those objectives. I don't think you'll need the whole crew full time. But it depends on your volume. Let me know if you want some free advice

I have done all of those things in some capacity (I refuse taxes). I leave it to the CPA/fractional controller. I offer these services including clean-up and ongoing bookkeeping. As well as an hourly for project based (budgeting and cash flow creation, SOP procedures, etc.) What accounting software are you using? And how many transactions per month?