I'm not Racist but he makes GOOD POINTS about NIG I mean Haitians!
Thoughts and Prayers.
That's LITERALLY All we can do now let's go buy some Gasoline!
Putting People on Political HIT LISTS ISNT Nazi! It's ONLY Nazi if they PHYSICALLY Gas them!
That's OK! Republican Voters are KNOWN to do their Own Research and will VERY EASILY find out he Lied!
If we make it ILLEGAL to Mention Helene Storm then we will SOLVE the Problem!
If they COULDNT do this they would just take their Jobs to OTHER COUNTRIES and then Mom And Pop shops would have to Open Up to fill in the Gap and that's HORRIBLE!
This Article is ILLEGAL in the Freest State of Florida!
Thoughts and Prayers. Unfortunately anything more then that is SOCIALISM and AGAINST the CONSTITUTION!
Stupid Libtard! Children don't STOP having Periods!
FORCING your Daughter to tell the Government when she Bleeds from her Vagina is NOT WEIRD SMALL GOVERNMENT! DRAG QUEENS need to be ROUND UP and Jailed!
Suing companies that Hurt your Feelings it was BIG STRONG MEN do! Also FUCK YOUR FEELINGS LIBTARDS!
FUCK YOUR FEELINGS but if you UPSET Me I'm going to STAB you!