
joined 8 months ago

Barely any of the functions actually moved, I'd rather the control panel stay just in case regardless, because i still find old fixes to problems i have on old forums and such.

Which is also why my system language is set to english, so everything on the control panel will have a searchable name instead of a half assed translation that I'll have to translate back.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago

It does one thing: make every contract have a clause specifically to combat this...

The petrochemical corporations won't fuck you for defending them

That's just the ruling class acting blind, disguising as a neutral news source

Security over AI my ball-cheeks

[–] 5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

ITT: Libertarians advocating for corpos with rapist mentality calling it "consent".

[–] 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Right "libertarians" are more susceptible to power vacuums, provably so, with so many experiments going down the same way. Reason for that is that they aren't really against authority, just not their kind of authority.

If you aren't entrenching the need for active resistance to power and hierarchy, you are expected to fall the same way, that kind of attitude is very much present in actual anarchists, left anarchists.

Lol, appdata subfolder is already 3 different places 😂

Agreed, also public transport should be more accommodating towards the disabled, it's always such a weird thing that the buses (where i live in) have 0 or 1 "seating spots" for wheelchairs, instead of something modular that is more accomodating.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Mass Public Transport > Electric Cars.

Electric car support will take a short while to implement, but fossil fuel reduction will take a long time to show and a long time to be significant.

But Mass Public Transport takes a long while to implement and savings are quick to show, that would be because less people would require personal cars, which means direct drop in fuel usage per person, even more so in big cities which suffer because high population density requires too much parking space that is never enough.

Mass Public Transport could undo plenty of harm caused knowingly by the auto industry. funding, or in this case legitimizing the industry will not really help as electricity itself is still generated from fossil fuels.

The solution should be LESS consumption, not making excuses for the same consumption, or legitimizing more.

Is another's CLOUD ☝️🤓

[–] 7 points 6 months ago (2 children)

You know what they say, one man's trash...


Been 2 months since the update but I don't see any news about code editor support for the new syntax.

This kind of makes sense, i don't expect code editor support to pop up so fast, but i was at least hoping to hear some news about it.

The PEP in question: PEP 695

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