
joined 3 years ago
[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Seems like I've found the culprit:

When I deactivate this module and try again, the error message disappears and shows up again when enabled.



I'm getting an error message: "Certificate authority is not trusted." while using webview browsers.


On "standalone" browsers like Mull or Cromite I don't have this error.

Android 10
Free Browser v2.8
Mulch Webview v126.0.6478.110
AdAway (root) v6.1.1 with installed certificate
Root with Magisk v27.0
Modules: Systemless Hosts
                  Magisk Trust User Certs
                  Open Webview
Private DNS:

Anybody knows how to fix this?

[–] 5 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Happy to hear that it changed for the better. I'm still on Android 10, where it sadly isn't the default. But thanks for letting me know :)

[–] 18 points 5 months ago (5 children)

I'd prefer that notifications are blocked by default (should be opt-in instead of opt-out). The only apps I NEED notifications for, are messaging apps, everything else is just annoying.

[–] 17 points 6 months ago

I don't want bloatware and Google services on my phone. I want to install magisk modules and use root. If a phone doesn't allow unlocking bootloader and doesn't have decent custom rom (or GSI) support, there's no way I'm buying it.

[–] 10 points 7 months ago

That's what I'm using:

I would advise to use open-source software wherever you can. You (almost) never have paywalls, ads or trackers there ;)

[–] 4 points 8 months ago (2 children)

You can use an OTP Generator like Aegis Authenticator from F-Droid. Afaik it even works offline, so there should be no risk if you strictly keep it offline.


Hi, I was wondering, is it useful to use multiple adblockers in a row?

I don't mean 4 or five 5 browser extensions more like a chain of adblockers, one on every passing network point.

Adblock DNS -> Pi-Hole -> Linux System with hBlock -> Browser with uBlock Origin

I have only a 10 Mbit Internet connection, so I fear that this would slowdown pageloads to much. On the other hand there are filterlists that uBlock can use where as Pi-Hole can't.

So what combination does make sense (is efficient in every aspect) and what do you use?



I'm searching for an "noob-proof" matrix messenger that is supposed to replace WhatsApp.

It should have E2EE enabled by default and a backup/restore function for contacts, chats and settings (preferably local backup, but nextcloud would be fine aswell).

It would be nice if you could also mention matrix clients that work on iOS, Linux and Windows as well (if there are any), since not all of my contacts use android or are always reachable per phone.

Happy to hear your recommendations and experiences.

Thank you!