
joined 1 year ago

He knew the truth. Even if he never outright asked, he knew in his gut that something was off with that scumbag. It wouldn't surprise me if he was also someone of questionable morals. You are the people you surround yourself with, i fully believe that.

[–] BurtReynoldsMustache@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

You gonna pin the tail on cancel culture and "The Twitterverse" for criminals like Jeffrey Epstein being outed too? Lmao you're a joke. Masterson RAPED WOMEN, many more of them than the mere handful that were included in the case, i promise you. And his friends went out of their way to use their influence and names to sway a judge in his favor. That's fucked up, and anyone who says differently is blatantly in support of rapists, rape apologists, or is undoubtedly one themselves trying to justify monstrous behavior.

[–] BurtReynoldsMustache@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Dammit, now I'm about to go down the rabbit hole after watching that video, so thanks

Not to mention the fact that said real estate is all in extremely expensive locales (Bellevue, WA for starters), so that's a lot of money they're blowing on unoccupied buildings.

[–] BurtReynoldsMustache@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I was thinking about this today as I was looking at a model y: "it's all hype. The only reason people buy these things is because they idolize Elon and his ability to hype his own brand." It's 100% not because they believe in their heart of hearts that they're buying a reliable vehicle(and they look cool); it seems like it's pretty well-known at this point in time that Teslas are a low-quality product.