
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 2 hours ago

Calling democrats "Blue MAGA", at least currently is a stretch and a half since there is still a sizeable difference between the parties, but yeah - current democrats are getting real close to pre-2000's republicans in everything except few policies.

As you have correctly pointed out, a lot of the American liberals are unquestionably supporting Kamala no matter what she does, and it's just so frustrating to see. People can support and vote for a party but also be critical of it much like how you can have your favorite video game and have gripes with it that you hope could have been fixed, but I guess that's taking a backseat in favour of "politics as team sports" where the only thing that matters is beating the other side.

That being said, choosing not to vote for dems because of this is stupid - even if democrats aren't going to shift back to center, it's a much better alternative for the average person (foreign or otherwise) than Trump becoming the dictator. Though I worry about the future of US politics - republicans who stay with Trump are numerous, and once he's gone then another alt-right populist is going to come, one who's even worse than Trump (while being younger and more lucid), and there is no guarantee democrats are going to have Kamala 2 to steal the momentum back or even be able to fight them.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Seems fine to me, the AI just has a good sense of humor /s

[–] 63 points 1 week ago (45 children)

My pragmatic side is absolutely disgusted with this - why would you gift a gun to your kid while living in an urban area? It makes no practical sense other than fueling this weird American obsession with guns.

I understand giving your teen kid a hunting rifle if you live in a rural area and go hunting sometimes, but not an AR in a city - it's just asking for trouble.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Oh yeah, ty for correction.

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, it's a real sore spot for the community too - people often have 2 or more accounts due to various account types like mains who have no restrictions, ironmen who can't trade and gotta get everything themselves, group ironmen which is ironman but co-op in a 5 person group and other modes that add additional limitations.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)

Not anymore, they're killing grandfather rates with this update

EDIT: Nope, it's only for 12-month premier club deal that happens once a year

[–] 19 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

You still pay for membership separately tho

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago

Welcome to the club - after starting to use window managers around 3 years ago at this point, I haven't gone back. Whenever I'm forced to use Windows or a regular DE, I start instinctively abusing virtual desktops feature lol

[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago

Dude looks like a Far Cry villain

[–] 21 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Doubt procrastination will stop even after 60-70 becomes a new high in those countries and people start dying en masse

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Good, but why now? For years, Google has been way more dominant both practically and culturally until very recently, and only now after they stumbled hard with their AI venture, Bing catching up, and their public opinion dropping do they decide to break the company up.

Does this mean that a monopoly is good as long as it's successful, but once it starts stumbling and outlives its use that's when the government is gonna do something about it?

[–] 27 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Man, I wish. The problem nowadays is that denuvo is actually effective - many titles that are rather popular but have denuvo DRM haven't been cracked for years at this point, so the only practical choice is to wait for years until those game companies stop their contract subscriptions and DRM gets removed.

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