
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Thanks for the checking. I think the whole argument is pretty wild and specious, and factually suspect, that someone died because a person couldn't look up the cpr video on time. YouTube is not a platform that is meant to deliver on demand life saving training. In NYC all the restaurants and workplaces have signs up in designated areas with instructions on how to do cpr. I suspect someone is going to more quickly look up written instructions or infographics if they need to Google. But really, this just speaks to the importance in staying up to date on CPR practices and having school and HR classes that teach this on a recurring basis. Using this as an argument against all ads is kind of nuts.

Also, the first step of most CPR instructions is call 911. So if you follow instructions, how are you watching a video on the phone? And can't the operator coach you through the steps?

[–] 1 points 8 hours ago

I can't tell what is more gaudy. Keeping the video the same size and overlaying an image with a transparent background, or shrinking everything with some obtrusive weird colored border to make it look like a 90's web page. But at the end of the day, I think it's relatively non intrusive, especially if dismissible while keeping the video paused.

[–] 1 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

Looks like the reddit embeds were newly added to the page, or weren't loading correctly last night. Couldn't tell those links were previews or final designs of what the ad format would look like. Disney pause ads for example have it overlayed on top of the video instead of shrinking the video to have a banner/border around it.

[–] 2 points 9 hours ago (2 children)

Proof? Aren't there classes of videos non monetized on youtube? When I just google search for cpr and find the american red cross I quickly found written instructions as well as a youtube video that doesn't appear to have any ads. Isn't the problem that some video creators intentionally create videos for CPR in hopes of monetizing?

[–] 6 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Good thing the civil rights movement in the USA didn't have church leaders involved...

[–] 25 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

Why is consensus that trump is a POS a bad thing? I hate articles like this and it always makes me wonder if this is foreign interference trying to force artificial divides.

[–] 2 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (1 children)

YouTube wants you to keep watching the videos. The more time you spend on the site the more ads you see. They care about finding the balance of acceptable ad load to maximize ad space, which requires a consistent user base. I have faith that this is their objective. Also, videos take time to load and a user hitting pause is unpredictable. A light weight display ad is probably the best technically feasible way to grab a user's attention in that brief moment of hitting pause. Especially when pause means a user wants to mute audio to do things like take a phone call, a video would turn off users to the platform.

[–] 7 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (1 children)

It's the opposite. If you pause the video you the viewers are almost always looking at the screen. The pause button on a mobile phone or web browser is literally on the player. You are guaranteed to see it immediately after you push the button. You will see it when you un pause. These ads are display banners not video. It only takes a second to see the ad.

Unlike video ads that just auto play, especially when the video player auto plays more videos, there probably is more probability you aren't actually watching, unlike pause ads that require user activity and focus on the screen to push the pause button.

[–] 5 points 18 hours ago (3 children)

Look at the article linked to it. It has a render of a pause ad being a banner that shrinks the video player somewhat, but the paused video is viewable.

[–] 4 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago) (4 children)

I doubt they are video ads. On other streaming services they are just static images with transparent backgrounds displayed on one third of the screen or borders that show up around the paused video. Pause ads aren't new and I'm guessing YouTube is following other streaming services.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

But can't you do that with a scope over the iron site that is not full screen and not blurring the peripheral around the scope on the center? But as a 90s/00s gamer, I did love silent scope on arcades. I get what you mean.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (6 children)

The picture in picture scope is a weird design choice. I remember old delta force games, after moving on to rainbow six, ghost recon, or operation flashpoint, not sure why you would go back to that for scopes...


Cable is dead. Long live the cable bundle. Curious to see the pricing and if the bundle only includes ad tiered options.


I always see advice about which software to use and there's always the advice that FreeTaxUSA is the best bang for your buck and does everything you need for when your taxes are "simple." I've used and thought it was great for years. But as my career has grown and no longer filed as a single I've begun to question when my taxes and earnings become "complicated" to the point where it is worthwhile to have a professional do my taxes. Are there general recommended bullet points or scenarios?


Paramount Global, amid a swirl of M&A discussions, is laying off about 800 employees worldwide — an estimated 3% of its headcount — as it looks to trim costs.


For the third quarter of 2023, Paramount Global’s revenue rose 3% thanks to its growth in its streaming and film businesses — but revenue in its largest division, linear TV, fell 8% as sales of traditional television advertising continued to contract (declining 14% in the quarter).


Looking to pay off $15k of student loan debt of my partner. It's something we could wipe out with cash on hand if we wanted to relatively quickly. But one of the loans is 4.5%. Am I better off just riding that out but keeping the cash in for that loan in a HY savings account or keep reinvesting it in short term CD's that have a 5% return and to have more liquidity?

There's a part of me that used to really enjoy the piece of mind of being debt free when I paid off my student loans. But now that I'm more financially established and disciplined, I'm wondering if it's better to pay it off slowly.


I've sometimes gotten confused switching between the web interface and sync app because the Sync app follows Reddit style with orange for upvote and blue for down, whereas Lemmy is blue for up and orange for down. But now I'm confused since there are 2 sync logos with different up/down colors. Will future release change the Sync colors to align with Lemmy style for up/down votes?

(also, undoing that down vote, just wanted to snap pic of the web ui!)


Newliyish married, but the new reality is partner finished law school so going back to the DINK lifestyle. We live in NYC and are lucky to be in a rent regulated apartment. On one hand we realize it's cheaper to stay there forever, but it's not the most well maintained building the the amenities aren't the best... Anyways, we want to aggressively start saving for a downpayment, but have some question.

And before folks say leave NYC, no, that is not the plan and not what we want. We like the lifestyle, car less, near a park, etc. So really want to understand what the planning is for that.

  1. Based on all the "how much house can you afford" calculators we can afford like 3-4X monthly housing payments than we currently have. That seems insane, but how should we be thinking about the fixed cost of a mortgage over time that is also equity as opposed to rent? When buying a house, is it kind of expected that it is more "painful" earlier in the lifecycle of a mortage, but naturally gets easier as inflation kicks in and salaries go up?

  2. I've been maxing out stock purchasing plans and what not to save while partner was in laws school, but kind of saving less because I was the single income currently have about 1/3rd of downpayment in securities (maybe 50% if my employers stock ever bounces back to 2021 valuations). I'm thinking for the next 2 years we should try to devote what we anticipate our mortgage (and other fees like taxes, co-op, etc). would be to buy. That would allow us to save and see how that change impacts quality of life and other factors. Is that a good strategy? This would be in addition to normal saving practices. Our parents would probably assist too with the downpayment, but haven't broached that until we are closer to doing this for real.

  3. When it comes to saving for a down payment, is it better for psychological and newly married folks to use that as a way to get used to joint finances in a dual income (nearly equal salaried) partnership? If so, what type of account should we open. High yield savings? Short term CD's?

  4. For NYC specifically, what are the differences to consider between buying buildings, co ops, or condos when it comes to finances? 2/3 family homes in some ways look good on paper, but how do you factor in being a landlord and costs and risks for doing that? Co ops and Condos seems more attractive on paper for being much more simple in terms of ownership and responsibility of the entire property.

Any other advice is welcome. Thanks!


My partner recently started a new job. Prior to her employment I had been paying into my employer personal supplemental insurance as well as spousal insurance. Now that my partner has employer provided and options for employer supplemental life insurance, what should we be looking at doing? Do I stop my spousal life insurance? Or for dual income is it not bad to have both partners have self and spousal life insurance in case of things like lay offs? Also any general life insurance advice is welcome. I've never understood if it is wise to have supplemental life insurance provided by the employer or found in the open market. Thanks.


Is it safe to treat stocks and ETFs in my brokerage account as savings and emergency funds as long as I have a significant number of lots with a Stop Loss or Stop Limit Order in place? My Savings Account technically doesn't cover 3 months of expense, but combined with my brokerage account it does. Is it safe to be have 1 month in savings and 2 months in stock/ETF with stop loss orders in place that if exercised equate to 2 months of expenses?

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