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[–] 5 points 9 months ago

My biggest hurdle is honestly that GrapheneOS only supports Pixel phones... I had one once and hated it and honestly don't know how much of that was because of google's android or the phone itself and am reluctant to buy a new pixel phone to try GrapheneOS and find out I still hate the hardware. I've had a much better "out of the box" experience with Samsung phones (and love that my current one has an sd card slot and headphone jack - but I know that's pretty much non-existent on new phones) but am finding they are so locked down and closed off by Samsung you can't really put anything else on it and have it work properly as far as I can tell.

It's time for a new phone, and I'm honestly not sure what to do... The easy route seems like getting a pixel and putting GrapheneOS on it before doing anything else, but I just don't super trust that the hardware isn't going to drive me nuts...

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

In my experience with them, MSI laptops tend to run quite hot in general, your OS probably isn't going to fix it. You can try one of those laptop cooling plates, basically a mesh platform with fans, ensuring cool air is always available to the laptop intakes, but it isn't exactly a perfect solution.

Really it just needs more cooling capacity - they seem to cut razor close to the amount needed in their designs so when eventually cooling becomes less efficient either through fans getting tired/clogged or thermal paste/pads breaking down, it will not keep up.

[–] 14 points 10 months ago

You can't plagiarize mechanics because you cannot copyright mechanics... And you don't want to live in a world where you can. Imagine if the first company to make a first person shooter game copyrighted it... Or if Nintendo owned the rights to all 2d side scrolling games... Gaming would have never grown to what it is today.

Hell, even board games would have been crippled by this kind of copyright.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I think the biggest problem with Linux is that a lot of self-proclaimed "savvy" computer users need to check their ego... It's either people that have used Linux since 2008 and want to gate-keep the community because their superiority complex is a poorly built house of cards; or it's people that have only ever used modern windows and think they are good with a computer that went and tried to install Linux and screwed it up because it didn't work exactly like windows.

Average computer users aren't comfortable installing windows and do not feel like they can fix it if something goes wrong...

[–] 8 points 11 months ago (1 children)

This is really and truly terrible all around. Firstly, its a link to a website talking about a post on Lemmy... Why the hell is this just not a post? Why do we need an external website for this terrible excuse for "an article"? Secondly, the writing is terribly done with poorly reasoned arguments and a lot of just plain wrong information. It is yet another example of someone that tried switching to Linux once, sucked at it, and decided that everyone here in the Linux communities must just be lying about having no issues using linux and they should come here to the Linux communites to tell us to stop and we can't do what we already do every damn day. Jesus, it seems like half of the posts in any Linux community on Lemmy is people that don't use Linux telling everyone how bad Linux is and how great windows is... wtf guys.

[–] 11 points 1 year ago

Earthbound is fantastic. Also, Chrono Trigger has several different endings and secret things to accomplish along the way, so it is good for more than one play-through. Finally, I remember stumbling into a game decades ago around the same time I first discovered Chrono Trigger called Seiken Densetsu. I remember having a copy in English and really liking it.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

GPS is quite a bit different. The satellites just orbit and send the same information out. The user device doesn't have to send anything back - the "communication" is only 1-way. Also, GPS is significantly further out from the planet and involves a lot less satellites, so it is not really feasible to turn them off specifically targeting a small area or an individual target - you'd have to black out a huge chunk of the planet to reliably block "an enemy" from using it.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I don't feel like nationalizing Starlink for the USA is best for everyone. It is a world-wide network, I feel like it would be better as something that isn't controlled by any single country (but, obviously I agree it should not be controlled by a single billionaire fuck-boy either...).

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Lot of people hating on Garuda here, but I have loved it. Hopefully it goes as smoothly for you as it has for me - it's been an absolute breath of fresh air. :)

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

What falls into "unknown"??

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

I'd bet it is a typo stating ddr5, not on the CPU model. 8GB sticks of ddr5 are rare enough to find as singles, and 4gb sticks basically don't exist - makes more sense if it is a DDR3 system. Plus, the GT 730 is basically only barely a graphics card, a lot of them are Fermi based chips (like gt 400 series from 2010)... They are dirt cheap video output for a machine that otherwise wouldn't have any video out, but they get packaged by less than honest companies/people with other old hardware and marketed as "gaming computers" all the time unfortunately.

Ubuntu is not the limiting factor to this machine gaming, unfortunately. It is going to be choking itself on basically any games from the last 10 years :(

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

That might make sense if they were posting pictures of PS1 era Lara Croft, but they aren't, they always use the newest examples... They would show a bigger gap in time passed if they used the dragonborn from the initial release of skyrim vs the newest remastered version.

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