
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Just a strange thing to me. It happens here too (in Germany). Even in the junior teams (mostly in the state level/nation level competition) the players list themselves as 2cm taller than they are. A player on the team I was an athletic trainer for in U/19 state level, listed themselves as 185cm (shortest on the team). I'm a tiny bit taller than this athlete. I'm 181cm.

CP3 for example is listed as 6'0. I think this is his correct height. However it's often the taller players which lie. Maybe it's position related... As in, a player under the height of 6'5 is going to be a guard 90% of the time in the NBA, so you don't really need to make yourself taller because your position is already confirmed. Whereby a player who is actually 6'8 can probably play SF or PF. Maybe they prefer PF so they end up at 6'10 and less chance of being a SF. Could be total bullshit what I'm theorising but it makes a little sense as to one of the reasons why they might lie a little

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Is it really that difficult to measure someone?

I don't get it... How can someone list themselves as being taller than they are? Doesn't someone stand there with the measuring device and say "yep ok 195cm (6 ft 5)"

Athlete: cool I'm 202cm! Examiner: no... You're 195... Athlete: cool can't wait to update my insta! Examiner: please list this man as 195 on the roster Athlete: please list me as 202cm without shoes

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

And Melton doesn't get a flop warning... So basically the flop warning was introduced to target certain players which the media and league have an issue with regarding flopping and maybe the fan base too.

May as well just start calling fouls or travel when they feel like it. Fuck it two shots to Jokic, I don't like Doc Rivers so 2 shots. In fact travel on Doc Rivers. Jokic shoots 18 free throws.