
joined 2 months ago

I really miss kbin.. 😔(no hard feelings, I genuinely wish Ernest the best and hope he makes a comeback)

I actually tried migrating my account from there before the major issues, as a backup, but realised it didn't back up my blocked lists, which are much harder for me to recreate than my subscribed list and settings are, so decided to wait and see if anyone improved the migration tools.

Then it became too late, and I had to start from scratch, and am now regretting the instance I chose, and have not yet had the brain space to check out the other kbin/mbin instances and find a new one I like. Until then I'm reluctant to participate.

If anything, the last couple of months, with kbin dying and realising how uncomfortable I am on an instance run by people who have expectations from their users I fundamentally disagree with, have made me want to start my own private kbin/mbin instance for myself so that I don't end up in either situation again, but I don't know that it's something I can take on, having no programming knowledge or any experience with anything like that.

So yes, I agree with you, for more than the reasons you've provided, and I hope we, as a general community use these developments to learn and improve.

[–] 23 points 2 months ago

Posted this above, might as well pop it here too, seems relevant:

Ghislaine Maxwell and Elon Musk

Sure it's not (he doesn't have to be mentioned by name for it to be all over this)..

Ghislaine Maxwell and Elon Musk

Right? The fact that people are still convinced he's some genius mastermind that people only hate because of what he did to twitter is fucking mind blowing.

If nothing else though, it goes to show just how well the propaganda is working..

But, he’s gone for a shorter term play at an-cap fascism.

Lmfao, the idea that apartheid boy ever had any ideas for himself other than becoming white supremacist super king is as fucking laughable as the idea that he contributed anything to any company he has ever run other than money, or that any of the the work he exploits others for couldn't have been achieved any other way..

[–] 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (3 children)

I just also believe in personal accountability.

Something something bootstraps!

Jfc.. 🤦‍♀️

You could have saved yourself a little typing and just said you're a wilfully ignorant classist bootlicker... 🙄

Careful though, just like the majority of the population, you're barely a missed pay check or two, or one big accident/disaster, away from being homeless yourself.. That despicable attitude of yours may very well come back to bite you in your self cantered unempathetic ass sooner than you think..

[–] 12 points 2 months ago

going to a grocery store that is not fully stocked and only the self-checkouts are open because the pay is so low no one can afford to work is more than normal now in the US

Look at the upside - easier to shoplift.

On a more serious note though, this is all a feature, not a bug. As the meme goes - everything they threatened would eventually happen under communism is already happening under capitalism. At it will never get better until capitalism is abolished and a hierarchy free, horizontal society is built on its ashes.

[–] 32 points 2 months ago (21 children)

In other words you think it's reasonable to criticise homeless people for not giving up and abandoning their companions and dependants, who provide comfort and love in the bleakest of times, as soon as times got hard.. Classy.

[–] 104 points 2 months ago (9 children)

Shouldn’t have ~~fucked~~ raped those kids.


Stop Jailing Those Telling The Truth

Why would they? They've actively spent the last few years working towards this very goal..

[–] 41 points 2 months ago

Lmao, "women are perfectly capable of defending fascists too!" 🙄🤦‍♀️

Like, fuck the patriarchy and all its ills, but don't mistake this bullshit for feminism or anything that deserves any applause, it's hardly even bare minimum, and they're all a bunch of bootlickers, not heroes, whatever gender.

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