Surprised it's not higher actually.
You canceled your Netflix etc? Not playing games in steam?
I'd believe this if half the population wasn't brainwashed. They'd spin it someway and enough people would fall in line that they'd get away with it.
Not for long. Their economy is gonna tank soon because they are starting trade wars.
Have compassion for Trump guys. He's having a rough go of it lately.
Yeah really. It's over for them. They let in the dictator now he's not leaving.
It's impossible to do a full boycott. There's gonna be some stuff you end up getting.
The right finds it appealing.
Coming from a career politician that has never accomplished anything in his life.
We've seen it happen 1000s of times in history. Soldiers do as their told. If Trump says invade, it will happen. They are purging any internal resistance as we speak do in a few months, if he says invade we will get invaded.
Go lay down gould. We already know who we want its carney
Yeah but he has to get an mp spot somewhere i thought.