
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

PCs are expensive and unpractical.

I wanted a PC, bought a tablet. Ideally, I'd want a SFFPC plus screens that I could easily move. I'd settle for a SFFPC with a dedicated graphics card if I couldn't move it. I'd also settle for a notebook that would allow me to easily swap HDDs/SSDs. However, none of those things are possible and/or have a good cost-benefit, so I got a tablet.

Notebooks are too clunky compared to tablets because they are attached to a keyboard and to a screen. If those parts were removable, they would be more successful. Tablets would also be more popular if you could use them as PC screens (some from Lenovo already come with this featur).

Manufacturers are moving in the opposite direction, soldering memory, and making as hard as possible to change parts.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Why such prejudice against distant friends?

[–] 78 points 1 year ago (3 children)


I'm very interesting in your ideas.

Do you think you could e-mail me to discuss what you are planning in more details?

My e-mail is



Thinking about having my nipples pierced. However, my main source of doubt is that it would be very visible when using a T-shirt...


[–] 14 points 1 year ago (1 children)


Depends on the virus, but unlikely.

The thing about viruses is that it is an arms race. It's almost impossible to get a virus from playing media on your computer. Why? Well, let me explain in a 3 easy steps:

  1. Viruses have specific goals. They want to spy on you, encrypt your files, use your computer on a botnet, access ads with your computer, etc. In order to do that, they must gain access within your system to do those things.

  2. Since they need access, the easiest way to get access is just by simply asking you. Which is why executables (software and games) are the riskiest stuff to pirate. But it's possible to get viruses from other sources, they do that by exploring flaws in the software. For example, a while ago they managed to insert viruses through VLC media player subtitles.

  3. However, simply exploiting a flaw isn't enough because flaws get fixed. Following the VLC Media player example, few days after the virus was distributed, VLC launched a new version that corrected the flaw, making the virus useless. Therefore, it's necessary that the virus either explores a 0-day (a flaw that hasn't been widely discovered - this kind of information is sold for a lot of money on the deep web and is usually used to hack governments and bit corporations) or targets people using old software on their machines.

In conclusion: you can catch Aids having sex with condoms, maybe it had a tear, maybe you had a small bleeding on your mouth, etc, but you aren't getting aids using condoms unless you're extremely unlucky. In the same vein, it's possible to catch viruses from media files, but if your software is updated, it's extremely unlikely.


I feel like I wrote this post from time to time on Reddit and I think I'll start this tradition here. I'm. a Honor Harrington fan. I've read several other space operas and they always fall short. The three that came close were Lt. Leary, Kris Longknife and Vorkosigan saga. Lt. Leary was nice, but it failed on World building. Kris Longknife also failed on world building and had astronomical levels of cringe with aliens and plot, but I enjoyed it. Vorkosigan saga had better world building and it was nice overall, but the books without Miles Vorkosigan weren't enjoyable. There were other series that I enjoyed: Serrano Legacy, Vatta's War (those are some of my favorites but they were too short), Starship's mage (it declines with every new book), The Lost Fleet (it has a serious plot problem, the plot doesn't move forward), Old Man's War (it was really nice), Dread Empire Fall (also awesome), Teixcalaan (good, but short), Alarm of War (good, but short and pretty generic), Bobbiverse (I read until book 3, it isn't for me), Red Rising 1st trilogy (really nice, but too Hunger Gamish, this whole dividing society into a cast system is getting old), Ark Royal. The Three Body Problem was awesome and, contrary to most series, didn't leave me craving more after it was over. Edit: forgot to mention The Expanse, it was OK.

I think that what won me over on HH was the fact that she is a complete Mary Sue and other character don't fall far from the tree, there is a nice world building, characters die, and there is a ton of action.

On the other hand, there are some long books that I enjoy that aren't space operas. I really enjoy the Dresden Files (because he is cool and it is a long series), I absolutely love Jack Reacher (it is just a nice fun read, it's like a nice Big Mac), I also enjoy The Spellmonger series, and I enjoyed the Riyria. I disliked Takeshi Kovacs (lack of sequence and plot) and I absolutely hate Southern Reach (VanderMeer), and there is another popular sci-fi book that is written as a report, which I also hated. I don't like those very innovative mystery stories where you are trying to figure out wtf is going on or waiting for a plot to start until the middle of the book.

Got any suggestions? =)

(OMG, after writing this post, I see myself as an incredible hard reader to please)