
joined 10 months ago

Thank you. I am actually working on content as we speak. Not whispering but helpful content non the less. We will see where this leads. I will look into the looping video software as well. Thanks again.


So I wanted to get some ideas from some of you brilliant thinkers here. What are some business ideas or income streams I could create with what comes natural to me? What comes naturally to me is talking and sharing insightful/helpful information.

Things that come to mind for me includes writing, voice overs, coaching, motivational speaking and content creation. Iโ€™ve thought of blogging, YouTube channel, book writing, podcasting, etc. Obviously much of the low hanging fruit of these areas that I think of is either not lucrative to most or have been heavily exhausted and currently saturated in my opinion, therefore I am looking to spark something creatively unique to best employ my assets while maintaining freedom from the job plantation. Love and light to everyone, and let the suggestions flow in. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ