
joined 1 year ago
[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 2 points 11 months ago (2 children)

I'm not exactly sure what they're spraying, but it's still a regular thing where I live. I'm on the edge of suburbs/country south west of Chicago.

[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Someone leaves me out of a group chat due to the color of my text bubble, I doubt there was any benefit to being included in the conversation anyway.

[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 2 points 11 months ago

Is stepson aerosol like knock off store brand aerosol? It's it also red headed?

[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 8 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Not only that, but no matter whether it can identify a person as a person, cars shouldn't be driving over objects that are child sized or larger.

[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 21 points 11 months ago

I work in hospice and see a variety of conditions. Some people in their 60's with significant mobility issues that are chronically exhausted, but then there's the patients in their 90's who just recently started cutting back on social events and activities due to injury/illness.

Seeing these differences was why I started roller skating (again) at 49 and increased other activities to keep my ass moving and challenge my coordination and balance. I want to get everything I can out of this life.

[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 19 points 11 months ago

American here - it could be different in other states, but as a parent every year at the beginning of the school year I had to sign a specific form during registration stating whether or not I would permit my child's photo be taken/published. Yes, it's going to be a nightmare to track, but the school shouldn't want the headache of the fall out for not pulling a photo.

[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

"My assumptions based on incomplete data make me smart."

That's what you sound like.

[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 10 points 1 year ago

I work for a hospital in Illinois. When recreational passed, we were sent notice that the hospital recognizes the legality, instructs (like with alcohol) that it's not to be used during your work hours, and that if you have reason to believe that your usage will interfere with your work, please speak to your manager about it.

[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Not only that, but there's only one car parked. Is there only 1 employee working?

Not entirely calling shenanigans, but I've got questions.

[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 6 points 1 year ago

The synagogue my boyfriend's children go to used to have a summer program that provided excellent childcare, even very low cost. Then a few years ago because of some other synagogues getting hit, their insurance skyrocketed and with the increased rates would have required guards on premises whenever children were present. As it was never a money making program, they had to shut it down.

[–] Duranie@lemmy.film 2 points 1 year ago

So if she had gotten pregnant, would access to abortion be a bigger issue for you?

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