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In 1974, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard and became a co-founder of Microsoft – a computer software company in 1975, which later made him be among the wealthiest man in the world. In the beginning, Bill Gates took an interest in programming the General Electric system in BASIC but later pursued his interest.

Furthermore, he built his first computer program on a General Electric machine, contributing to his success today. Besides, Gates read an article in 1975 that demonstrated the Altair 8800. He developed an interest, and this made him displayed the process on a minicomputer and the BASIC interpreter.

However, IBM approached Microsoft to write a BASIC interpreter for the new IBM PC. He proposed using 86-DOS owned by SCP, an operating system similar to the PC. After adapting the operating system for the PC, Microsoft delivered it to IBM for a one-time exchange fee of $50,000. Guess what! He became famous.

Not quite long after he made the exchange, the press quickly identified Microsoft as influential on the new computer. At first, the computer was called by an expert in the field as ‘Gates computer.’ From that, the company restructured on the 25th of June 1981, and Gates became CEO.

Additionally, Bill Gates created competition and innovation among organizations, many of which had unique needs and market opportunities. Similarly, the Microsoft business model chooses to accommodate the needs of multiple and competing customers that later led to the company’s growth.


Many things contributed to Microsoft's success, but we will walk you through the basic facts and ideas. They have certainly had their failures, but in all ramifications, they have always demonstrated an ability to recover. Below are the few things that contributed to Microsoft's success.

· An excellent interactive process between employees and the CEO

· The basis for employees salaries, bonus, incentives, and possible promotions

· Accommodating the needs of multiple, competing, OEMs, and customers

· Smartness and financial resources that allow them to endure failures

· Great success with their flagship operating system (Windows), Microsoft office, and others

· Investing in data management, artificial intelligence (AI), and quantum computing

· Persistence, perseverance, and risk-taking experience

· Meeting key objectives that promote effective teamwork

· Keeping abreast of what is happening in the broader technological context

· Productivity is Microsoft’s key buzzword, and this also contributed to its success


One of the critical things that made Microsoft a successful business is because of the company’s standards. Bill Gates founded Microsoft in 1975, and they have the resilience and ability to respond to changing technologies, business opportunities, and market demand. Moreover, they revolutionized how we live.

Bottom Line

There are lots of lessons from Bill Gates's success story. His incredible vision has marked his career. Nonetheless, Microsoft beat out the competition mainly as the company focus on innovation. Today, Microsoft has shifted away from consumer tech to becoming advertising-based online services.

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Just like Bill Gates, the American business magnate, understanding why people became so successful requires looking back at their origins and history. From the first Apple computer to the latest iWatch, it’s essential to talk about Steve job's achievements and why Apple became a successful brand till today.

Initially, the company started out in the business of kit computers with the Apple I. It got enough capital to build the Apple II in 1977 – the same year Apple was officially incorporated. Meanwhile, the Apple II production drove the company’s revenue until the mid-1980s with the same structure.

However, the 1984 release of the Macintosh created a leap forward for Apple. Similarly, in the intervening years between Apple II and the Macintosh, IBM was caught up. So, during the times of Sculley, Apple started growing. The company created new products, including PowerBooks and others.

Now, Jobs became the second chance CEO. From Macintosh onward, Apple has either been a reflection of Steve Jobs or a reaction to it. Moreover, Jobs created a unique and user experience technology that would convince everyone to use Apple products. Sounds interesting?

Yes! This development contributed to Apple’s achievement. In fact, he launched the iMac with a strong marketing campaign that featured the slogan; Think Different. On the flip side, Jobs is often appraised for spending money and time on marketing. That’s why Apple products is built on tight software/OS.

Additionally, in the absence of a groundbreaking new product, the company still produces some of the best products with the most integrated ecosystem. In this case, Apple bridges the gap between its competitors like Google, Samsung, and many others. So, what impact did Steve Jobs have on Apple?


If anything, Steve Jobs would be remembered for his lasting contribution to Apple’s growth. In this broad sweep, notable people and brands have spell out what effect Jobs had on mobile advertising, marketing, and commerce. Before him, mobile phones were not as good, unlike now, that voice calls are the peripheral feature. Below are the impact Steve Jobs has on Mobile marketing and advertising.

· Setting up ‘Think Different’ project to promote Apple and its products

· He put Apple at the forefront of the personal computing revolution

· Apple services were known as the firm’s most important drivers of revenue

· With Steve Jobs, the company drive brand loyalty

· Steve Jobs allows Apple to become a symbol of wealth to big city dwellers

· Jobs hired the right engineers and trusted them to person

· Steve delivered his demand for excellence in an inspiring way

· He empowered his talented employees to do what they do best

Bottom Line

The Apple brand has a powerful and lofty stock valuation. Surprisingly, there’s a reasonably good chance that you’re reading this article with your Apple device. The reason behind that is because Apple products are beautiful to look at, and also you derive pleasure using them. The marketing help, that’s why Steve Jobs made a huge business success, unlike other brands.

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Sometimes writing may be quite challenging if you don’t have the passion. While it may be simple to write articles, non-fiction requires proper concentration. As a long-time writer of non-fiction, personal experience goes a long way. Have you ever thought of crafting a well-written eBook to distribute?

Yes! That might sound next-to-impossible to you, but it’s not. Don’t underestimate the power of your passion. You can write a non-fiction eBook within 30 days. In fact, if you can do that, you can also write 30,000 words eBook in a month. Sounds good, right? Interesting! This is how to go ahead with your plan.

Learn how to write a nonfiction book with this guide. Set up a thirty minutes time block every day to review some fundamental questions about your purpose. Remember, a nonfiction book is based on facts, such as real events, people, and places. So, understand the benefits of writing your nonfiction eBook.

Not only that, but we will walk you through the ways to write a nonfiction eBook within 30 days. If some writers can do that, you can as well build your portfolio in writing compelling eBooks. Additionally, you should have more than enough time to organize, edit, plan, and structure how to sell your book.


There are several ways to write the best selling eBooks in today’s digital world. Meanwhile, many first time authors experience information overload when it comes to writing a nonfiction book, asking their selves where to start. Well, worry less as you’re on the right platform. Here are the best ways to write.

  1.  Banish the Excuses and Start

The first thing to consider is to banish any excuse to write and instead create an outline. By creating a strategy, you’ll draw a mindmap, work backward, write a list, and examine other eBooks and books. This will make the writing process much easier and faster.

  1. Schedule Writing time into Your Routine

Before you write, think about why you write. This will help you think faster and complete the book within 30 days. Imagine for a moment what you want and take action to build author confidence. Moreover, turn off your distractions, be aware of comparisons to other writers, and get yourself permission to write badly.

  1. Select an impeccable Nonfiction Topic

Selecting an impeccable nonfiction book topic contributes to achieving your goals within 30 days. What are you writing about? Besides, your decision should start with writing on your deep interest and passion for the area you’re focused on. The common topics to write include; innovation and entrepreneurship, business and money, religion and spirituality, relation, etc.


There are more to the ways of writing eBooks within 30 days. Nonetheless, self-edit your self draft, reach out to nonfiction book editors, destroy writer’s block, and determine your point of view. Through this, you’ll achieve your goal with the 3o days and then get to work on publishing and launching the book.

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