
joined 1 year ago
[–] ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

These are the facts and I could give you charts with the soviet export.

Why say I could and not do it? If you have sources, give them. You haven't linked any source whatsoever in this entire thread to back up your wild claims.

[–] ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 3 weeks ago

You know what? Most liberals wouldn't even have acknowledged that much, you have my upvote.

[–] ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 3 weeks ago

Imperialism exports the contradictions of capitalism abroad. By shielding the imperial core's workers from the worst aspects of capitalism and having third world peoples shoulder the burden instead, it allows the bourgeoisie to sustain late stage capitalism at home without the constant threat of revolution that it would cause otherwise.

[–] ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 3 months ago

As long as you're not an awful boss, you don't have to worry about being booted out.

While the peoples who work with you can fire you, they can't do it just because they feel like it. Under socialism, businesses don't have the right to fire their workers at will like they do under capitalism, they need to have a good reason to fire you.

Under socialism there will be governmental bodies who's task will be to monitor worker's right, including making sure that layoffs are lawful. If you do get booted out by your coworkers, these governmental bodies will have to be notified by the business and review the justification for letting you go, and if they find that the reasons are not good enough, they have the power to force the business to give you back your position and issue penalties for unlawful layoff to the persons responsible. So just don't be the kind of boss we hear about in r/prorevenge and r/maliciouscomplience and you'll be fine.

[–] ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 4 months ago

Their rhetoric has always been to point out things that the republicans would do that the democrats supposedly wouldn't, but now that the democrats have let minority rights get taken away, have become basically as xenophobic and anti migrants as the republicans and are willing complicit of a NAZI style genocide, they ran out of any apparent differences to point to and are reduced to either lie and pretend that the republicans are going to do things that nothing indicate they will, at least not in the next 4 years, like how they keep saying that trump will somehow make himself a dictator for life, or, admit that the democrats are doing everything the republicans are hated for, but insist that the republicans would do them worst somehow.


This video explain very well the hypocrisy of "progressive" liberals and why they are no better than the MAGA right despite what they like to pretend.

[–] ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 7 months ago

Well if you think like that it sure will never come.

While the worsening of living condition under capitalism do push toward revolution that doesn't mean that it's automatic, revolution is an active process, you have to make it happen. Your role, as someone who see the fundamental problems with capitalist society and want to change it, is to lay the ground work to make sure that revolution do happen when the time is right.

One of the most important things that you must do is education, of yourself and of others. Study economic and political theory to understand how and why capitalism necessarily causes all of the issues we are constantly seeing and inform others of what you learned. Refute liberal, social democrats and other radlibs' narrative and show that the things they propose are nuttered band aid "solutions" that will result at best in temporary concessions that can and will be stripped away once popular turmoil calm down and the capitalists feel their power secure again. Promote socialism as an alternative to capitalism to limit the number of peoples who will tend toward fascism once they see the cracks in liberal rhetoric and start looking for an alternative.

An other important thing you can do is crating or joining an organization able to stand up to corporations and to the armed forces of the bourgeois state. Popular movements, whether they are a simple protest or an all out revolution need leadership otherwise the well organized, generally better equipped capitalist state's armed forces will wake quick game of them; that's what a vanguard communist party is for. Of course, the organization should help peoples on the ground, help those oppressed by the capitalist system however you can, monitor the police to document and disincentivize police brutality and discrimination, help the homeless by giving them food and homes if you are able to, help the workers unionize and support them when they strike, etc... There are a lot of thing you can do and lots of ways you can help with whatever skills you have, the important thing is that you do something, don't be a liberal who enter political hibernation and wake up every 5 years to vote for lesser evils and maybe go to 2~3 protests in their lives.

[–] ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

B-but muh status quo

(happy cake day btw)

[–] ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 8 months ago (1 children)

The house elfs also want to free their race from slavery perpetrated by humans, and that makes them bad guys because in HP lore they « are happy with servitude » and « it’s natural for them ».

In the books, Hermione is made fun of by the narrator and the characters for suggesting that house elfs should be freed.

And Harry at some point gets his own house elf slave but the story never paint it as a bad thing because « he is a good master so it’s ok ».

There is no universe where this isn’t slavery apologia.