
joined 9 months ago

TL;DR: Poured years into a business, suffered losses, contemplating quitting the entrepreneurial game. Is it okay to prioritize peace of mind over persistence? Looking for advice and shared experiences.

I started a business and worked on it for years but suffered huge losses, thinking someday it might recover—a black hole of a money pit. I didn't find it back. I decided not to do that business again, ever, at least not in that industry.

I am being told that I must not quit on it, having started and run a business/industry for years. I've been told good businesspeople don't quit and should not have become an entrepreneur in the first place if i cannot try again.

But I have no interest in starting again in that perticular industry or type of business ever,

I see myself starting again but only after many many years if i feel strongly so but surely it will be different platform & industry to my first venture.

I feel peace is more important than money. Now I feel I could be happy being in a stable job (i.e., if I manage to find a suitable one and that's another thing)... So, I'm at this dilemma. To be or not to be?"