Manchester United: 3
Has there ever been a case where tax cuts genuinely helped a country/state/whatever's economy?
I'm starting to suspect that this is why I don't watch as many films as I'd like to. They've all become such a time commitment. Show me what you can do with an hour and a half!
are concerned about [...]
No, they're not.
Shocked Pikachu face.
Ye gods, 18 years, 4 months for mine. You'd hope that they'd just automatically stop asking if I'm old enough to view store pages, right?
I'm tickled that the code hasn't been digitised and the scans are only just barely high enough resolution to make out the text.
I remember it dawning on me and making me grin. "Is that, oh it so is!"
I played through 1 - 4 and honestly, I think 4 was the only one that was actively good. The others might once have been fun, but they didn't really hold up. However I had a great time with 4. I particularly liked the epilogue.
Ye gods, that's bloody hideous. Throw a CRT filter over that, at the very least!
From what I've read, the concept of appeasement was buying time because Britain was in no position to do anything, which ultimately worked (I'm reminded of the quote "Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.").
However it doesn't work if you're not planning to do anything!
I absolutely loved the modern day story. I was so very invested and it still smarts a bit that they lost interest in doing it justice.